Those Dreamy Eyes
A poem dedicated to a very dearest person of mine.
Like a blessing in disguise.
Or the full moon in a blue sky.
With such a strange spark inside.
Uplifted those dreamy eyes.
Staring at strangers as they pass by.
Looking right into their soul.
Like fire keeps you warm from cold.
Burning are those dreamy eyes.
Piercing the masks that are on their face.
Soft like flying butterflies.
Wandering from place to place.
So majestic those dreamy eyes.
Speaking without the need for words
Healing egos as dark as the night.
Crying tears of diamonds
Expressing love, those dreamy eyes.
Amazed how they got me mesmerized.
Found in them when I’m feeling lost.
Ever young and never old.
Swimming in those dreamy eyes.
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