

The web content emphasizes that worldly life is transient and illusory, serving as a test and a place of striving, where true success lies in using worldly blessings for Allah's pleasure and focusing on the Hereafter.


The article discusses the ephemeral nature of worldly life, drawing from Islamic teachings to highlight that it is a place of trials and tribulations meant to test individuals' actions. It underscores that the true purpose of life is to worship Allah and that the beauty of the world is temporary and deceptive. The Quranic verses from Surah Al-Kahf and Surah Al-Baqarah are cited to illustrate the transient nature of worldly beauty and the importance of balance between trust and caution. The text warns against the allure of worldly temptations, such as wealth and women, which can lead people to commit sins. It concludes by urging believers to prioritize the Hereafter over worldly gains, advocating for the use of worldly blessings in a manner pleasing to Allah, and prays for success in both lives.


  • The worldly life is described as an illusionary enjoyment, not meant to last forever, and pales in comparison to the permanence of the Hereafter.
  • The primary purpose of human creation, as per the article, is to worship Allah, and the world serves as a beautiful yet temporary testing ground for this purpose.
  • The article suggests that reliance on the world is futile and can lead to disappointment, advocating for a balanced approach of trust in one's abilities and caution against the world's fickleness.
  • It criticizes the disbelievers for being deceived by the world's temporary beauty and mocking the believers, while affirming that believers will ultimately triumph in the Hereafter.
  • The text warns against the temptations of beauty and wealth, which can lead individuals to commit forbidden acts (Haram) such as adultery and dealing with interest (Riba).
  • The author's opinion is that by focusing on Allah's pleasure and the Hereafter, one can avoid the deceptions of worldly life and achieve real success both in this life and the next.
  • The article concludes with a prayer for guidance to use worldly blessings for the benefit of the Hereafter and for the acceptance of good deeds.

This Worldly Life Is Nothing — But A Mirage Based On Deception:

Image by author

The worldly life is nothing but an illusionary enjoyment. Every self will be tasting death, and surely you will be paid your rewards in Full only on the Day of the Resurrection.

This world is the place of striving and the Hereafter is the place of reward or punishment — where the believers will be rewarded with Paradise and the disbelievers will be punished with Hell.

The Quran reminds us that the enjoyment of Worldly life is For only a while —not Forever, like the Hereafter. The Hereafter is For eternity, so if we have to prefer one life over the other, we should prefer the Hereafter, but Allah does not ask us to choose just one.

Firstly we have to understand the purpose of this world. Allah created us to Worship Him. Now let us reflect on why He created this world.

This is summarized beautifully in Surah Al-Kahf in which Allah says:“Definitely, I made whatever is on this earth beautiful to test which of them are best in their deeds, and I will make all of it into dry soil,” (Surah Al-Kahf 18:7-8)

This verse summarizes Four important qualities about this World i.e

That This World Is Beautiful, A Test, Changing and Temporary.

This World is nothing more than an illusion built on heartlessness — Think about it… Trusting the World is subjecting yourself to disappointment and heartbreak. It’s like relying on something that can change in an instant or turn against you. It is simply unreliable.

That’s why the key to navigating the world is to Find a balance between Trust and caution. We should Trust our own abilities and strengths, and people who have earned our Trust — But we should also remember that the world is Fickle and capable of betrayal.

The Worldly life has been beautified For those who disbelieve, and they mock the Believers — But those who Believe will rise above them on the Day of Resurrection, and Allah provides for whom He wills without restrictions”.

(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:212)

Tempting Beauty are things of this world which are indeed Beautiful, but their Beauty might be so overpowering that people are willing to violate the laws of Allah to have it.The two most common scenarios are women and wealth —

Men are tempted to have beautiful women, and many do not have the confidence to do it the right way by marrying them and treating them equally, so they go down the path of evil to get what they want.

Likewise, people desire wealth and many don’t have the patience and trust in Allah to earn it the Halal way — so they take Haram shortcuts, like dealing with Riba (Interest); and they end up with cursed wealth devoid of any blessings.

So,the point is — when we use all the Blessings of this World For the pleasure of Allah — then we will be saved From the deception of this Worldly life. This is the Real Success of this Life and the Hereafter.

May Allah (swt) Make Us The Earners Of The Hereafter From The Blessings Of This World & Accept Our Good Deeds.(Ameen).

JazakAllah (May Allah reward you [with] goodness)for reading.


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