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This Velvety Superfood Beverage May Just Replace Your Morning Coffee

The best of both worlds

Coffee is amazing — we all know this.

But, not everyone can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee every day.

For some people, coffee gives them jitters, anxiety, and/or digestive trouble. So, if you’re looking for an alternative to traditional coffee, try this velvety alternative.

Made, from the cacao plant.

Cacao coffee is a relatively new phenomenon in which cacao beans are roasted and ground to create a delicious, chocolatey beverage. It has many of the same benefits as coffee — without the drawbacks.

Here’s everything you need to know about cacao coffee.

The pros and cons of coffee

Coffee has some great benefits.

It can help you be creative, productive, and fit.

When writers get ideas, they often race to the coffee pot to write them down. If you need to meet a deadline, coffee can help you. And like many people, working out in the morning may depend on having a coffee first.

Coffee helps us focus on one task at a time. But it also has some drawbacks.

Caffeine is an addictive drug. Some people find it hard to stick to a healthy coffee consumption. It also raises cortisol levels, which can make us feel more stressed and anxious.

About 20% of people in the US suffer from anxiety, and caffeine makes this worse for them.

Introducing, cacao coffee

Cacao, not to be confused with cocoa, is the purest form of chocolate. It comes from the same plant as cocoa beans, but it is raw and un-roasted.

This superfood is packed with antioxidants, iron, potassium, and magnesium. Magnesium helps alleviate anxiety, so it’s a great drink to help overcome coffee withdrawal.

But the main reason why I like cacao is for its mood-elevating properties.

Cacao contains an alkaloid called theobromine which makes us feel happier. But, it doesn’t contain caffeine. So no jitters or anxiety.

It has many of the benefits of regular coffee and cacao. It’s a great way to start your day if you want a productivity boost without the crash.

The health benefits of cacao coffee

Cocoa beans are the seeds of the cacao tree, and have been used for centuries to make a variety of different foods and beverages.

The main active ingredient in cocoa beans is a substance called cocoa flavanol, which has been shown to offer a range of health benefits.

Similar to coffee — cocoa flavanol has been shown to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation, both of which are important for maintaining a healthy heart.

In addition, cocoa flavanol has also been shown to boost cognitive function and protect against age-related memory decline.

How to make cacao coffee

Cacao coffee is incredibly easy to make.

All you need is some cacao powder, hot water, and your favorite coffee mug. Cacao coffee is essentially natural hot chocolate without the sugar. Make sure to buy cacao powder and not cocoa (it’s very easy to mix up).

Just like instant coffee, add about one tablespoon of cacao powder into a coffee mug, followed by hot water. Stir and enjoy.

**For some extra flavour, try adding vanilla extract or cinnamon.

And, if you’re looking to merely cut back on coffee but not stop altogether, you can make a cacao mocha: half cacao coffee, half regular coffee.

To summarize:

If you’re looking for a great way to reduce your coffee intake, or quit altogether, cacao coffee is a great alternative.

It has all of the benefits of both regular coffee and cacao, with very few of the drawbacks. It’s easy to make at home, so you can enjoy all of the health benefits without having to leave your house or spend a lot of money.

Plus, who doesn’t love chocolate?

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