avatarBenny Lim



This Is The Next Step You Need To Take If You Want To Chase Your Dream Life

Dreams without actions are just dreams

Photo by Ethan Elisara on Unsplash

Does this situation sound or feel familiar to you?

You’d just finished reading yet another book on self-improvement, on how to start your own business, on having multiple income streams, and how to finally live the life of your dreams.

You put that book down and you feel ever so motivated to start doing everything that you’d just read about.

Days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months, and months turn to years.

All those books have gathered dust and you’re still looking to read more books to help you live the life that you want.

You still find yourself doing the same things day in and day out, month after month, year after year.

Nothing’s changed except your book shelf having less and less space with each addition of a new self-help book.

After a while, you end up just giving up.

And your dream life?

Well, it’ll stay just that — dreams.

If this sounds or feels familiar to you, you’re not alone.

Millions of people all around the world are in the same boat as you. They dream fantastic dreams, only for those dreams to stay dreams.

Many don’t chase after their dreams.


Because they just can’t seem to take the next necessary step that is needed.

They lack discipline, conviction, and believe.

Preparations mean nothing without execution

What all those self-help books will do for you is to prepare you for what you need to do.

They prepare you for what you can expect.

They prepare you with the knowledge that you will need to start on your journey to the path that you want to take.

But they won’t put you on that path.

That is entirely up to you.

All that knowledge, all that preparation will mean nothing without actually executing them.

And you will require a lot of discipline, as well as consistency.

Many have this fantasy that their dream life will be a utopia where everything is perfect.

That’s why it’s called the ‘dream’ life because everything just feels like a dream.

But in order for you to get to that state, there is a lot of hard work that needs to be put in. A lot of effort, a lot of sweat, tears, rejections, failures, and every other negative outcome you can possibly think of.

And more often than not, giving up becomes the easiest option.

That’s why you will need discipline, because discipline will make sure you still show up even when it’s the last thing you want to do.

And consistency in doing so will make you go further than you can ever imagine yourself going.

If you can think it, you can achieve it

Many people are actually contented with their dream life staying as just that — a dream.


Because when they’re day-dreaming about it, it becomes a nice little escape from the hectic-ness that is their everyday life.

Or when they’re on vacation, they‘d pretend that they’re living their dream life, even if it’s just for that short period of time.

But the thing is, if you can think it, you can actually achieve it.

Why is it that there are actually people out there who are living the life that you want to live?

How come they’re able to, but you’re not?

The biggest factor is the fact that they believed they could, and they did.

The question you need to ask yourself is, do you actually believe that you can live the life that you want?

Don’t ask the question if it’s possible or not.

You know it’s possible.

Because someone else is doing it.

The life you want to live is very much possible. The biggest hurdle you will need to overcome is whether you actually believe you can or you can’t.

Part of the answer is already there.

You’re already thinking about it. Your mind is already playing out all the scenarios in your head, and what the mind can think of, the mind can achieve.

The fact that you’re already thinking about it is the battle half fought and won.

The other half is the hardest part which is actually believing that you can achieve your dreams, have the discipline to start, and to be consistent in doing the work that you need to do in order to get there.

Whether you know it or not, you’re actually ready to start.

You’re ready to take the next step.

And that’s really all there is for you to do — to actually just start doing what you need to do. Take that first step, the one that’s right in front of you, the one that you know needs to be taken.

You’re probably scared because you know that once you take that step, there’s no turning back.

Well, why would you want to turn back?

If it’s what you really want, you shouldn’t want to turn back. You’d want to keep going. You’d want to keep taking the next steps.

And even if you stumble, you will pick yourself up.

Even if you lose your way, you’ll find your way back.

If your dreams are that damn important to you, if your dreams are all you can think of, then don’t leave them as just dreams.

Don’t have regrets in the future where you look back and lament not trying.

Just take that next step.

That’s all you need to do.

Now, go.

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