avatarTeresa D Hawkes, Ph.D.


The author shares a personal story about their mother, highlighting her qualities, their relationship, and the impact she had on their life.


The author celebrates their mother, emphasizing that they honor her every day, not just on Mother's Day. They describe their mother as a beautiful, intelligent, and kind woman who was a true helpmeet to their father. The author shares anecdotes about their parents' loving relationship and the joy they brought to each other's lives. The article includes several photographs of the author's parents throughout their lives, showcasing their love and happiness. The author expresses gratitude for having good parents and wishes everyone a great Mother's Day and Parent's Day.


  • The author believes that their mother was an exceptional woman who embodied the qualities of beauty, intelligence, and kindness.
  • The author values the loving relationship between their parents and appreciates the joy they brought to each other's lives.
  • The author feels grateful for having good parents and encourages others to celebrate their parents every day, not just on designated holidays.

This Is Mother’s Day

A life card story about my Mom!

TDHawkes Old Archives. Mom and Me. I was in my late teens — early 20’s. That is definitely, circa. Mom is quite dead. Her wisdom and life live on. Selected. 11 21 23.

I know you have Mother’s Day sometime in May, USA. My Mother’s Day is everyday. She and my Dad conceived me, Mom grew me inside, Dad outside. I was born. I had to fight my way out, just like the rest of us. Being born is a lot of work.

It is an adventure. We live and do things among our Parents and Society. I hope it was okay for the large proportion of us. I know it isn’t for those reported now in the medical and scientific literature. It takes professionals time to count. To figure out. Still, we give the numbers we make from these cogitations to the People, as is our Wont. Here in the USA. It is my guess, all around Earth. Its out there. Where its Blue. We have seen pictures. We live and are each what it takes to move through the world around us for our lifetimes: doctors or poets, parent and worker, leader, and friend!

TDHawkes Old Archives. Mom and Dad as Babies (14 and 19), Old Oklahoma. Both Dead now. Loved and mourned! Selected 11 21 23

My mother was everything a woman wanted to be in those days but knew if she was, it would not be to her advantage. This presented her with a conundrum she solved by becoming a man’s true helpmeet. She could meet out help better than any woman alive. As luck did have it, she met my Dad. They treated each other with respect and kindly. They married. They fell in that kind of love that hides front door keys from grown kids because otherwise the parents might be found doing the super fun thing in the living room by astonished kids opening the front door!

She said she was not competitive, but she was generally the most beautiful, intelligent, kind woman who walked into any room. Worse, yet, she even loved other women as people in those long ago days. My mother was the soul of love, not just its appearance.

TDHawkes Old Archives. Mom and Dad later on after a dance or three. Okay, really over four. Selected 11 21 23. Both Dead. Both Loved. Remembered. Fun!

I have told the song of her story throughout my lifetime. It is in everything I have done, everything I have written. Of course, my Dad too!

I was lucky. I had good parents. People, each of them

as presented to me, their daughter over 50 long years of acquaintance and their kindness!

TDHawkes Old Archives. The Parents as Mom would want to have been seen. Dad could read her like all books ever written and then others, way into the unseen future. Selected, 11 21 23 CE.

I wish us all a Great Mother’s Day, a Great Parent’s Day, on this Day and every day!

Mothers Day
Parents Day
Usa Society
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