avatarIpshita Bose


This is How I Transformed Tears Into Empowerment

You can do it too, easily

Photo by Jared Murray on Unsplash

Loneliness is my best friend.

Well, we became friends after many breakups and disagreements.

If you are reading whatever I write, you know how I have described my struggle to cope with living alone.

  • I hated waking up in an empty room
  • I struggled to eat alone
  • I felt lonely returning from work to a desolate room

I had tears, frustration, and disagreement between me and the lonely situation.

But, we all are familiar with hedonic adaptation.

What is it?

It says that human psychology has the propensity to revert to a happy mental state against all adverse situations.

  • Have you had a nasty breakup?
  • Do you hate your living space?
  • Do you struggle to find your soul calling?

Science says that no matter how bad a situation you are in, you will bounce back to a happy state.

It’s a natural human tendency, like a sinusoidal curve.


I transformed my loneliness with empowerment in 3 simple ways.

Now, I love loneliness.

We are friends now.

#1. After waking up I do a mild workout with music

When I do simple physical exercise after waking up, it changes my mood.

Science has all the reasons why working out makes me happy.

  • It releases the happy hormone
  • It boosts energy

Now, the early mornings are less lonely.

#2. I watch motivational podcasts while eating

It’s a total game-changer.

A few podcasts that accompany my mealtime are

Now, mealtime has become a fun time.

#3. I write in the late evening

Whatever thoughts I have during the day, I note them down in my notes app.

When I return home, I write something about them.

So, I wrote this article before the thought was out of my mind.

I would not have learned these life skills if I had not faced loneliness.

It’s this simple.

This article is just an example of transforming life challenges into a blessing.

Every difficulty in life is a way to push you towards your higher potential.

Now, cheer up and live your life.

If you like what I write, click here to join my free email list where I talk about simple lifestyle and online writing tips.

Self Improvement
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