

This False Belief Has Hidden Too Many Great Things

Let’s conquer it together

Photo by Japheth Mast on Unsplash

I want you to think for a second.

Think about all the amazing value there could be out there in the world.

But it’s not.

And there’s one stupid reason as to why it’s not getting put out there.

It’s all in your head

When I first started writing, I believed it too.

I believed that I didn’t have anything meaningful to say or share.

Over time, I’ve realized that’s BS.

It’s just a lie.

The world could be such a different place

If we all rejected this lie, the world would be a different place.

People would express their unique ideas and help others along in their journey.

Self-doubt would no longer plague us all.

How I know it’s a lie

I know it’s a lie because I’ve had to face it head-on.

We all have stories. Each and every one of us does. We’ve spent years on this planet and have things to tell.

The hard part is that they’re not immediately available.

We need to dredge the stories out of us. They may be lying deep beneath the surface.

Mining for gold

As a writer, the process is like mining for gold that’s hundreds of meters beneath the earth.

You’ll have to go deep to collect bits and pieces and cobble them into something that feels true to you.

It’s going to be hard.

It’s going to feel uncomfortable.

It’s not always going to be pretty.

But if you keep on digging, you will find the gold. It’s there.

As long as you keep excavating, you’ll inevitably find it.

The frustrated and cynical pessimists are the ones who stopped digging and will try to convince you that there isn’t gold down there.

Just because they’ve never hit gold doesn’t mean you won’t be able to.

Don’t trust those gold miners who never found their hidden treasure.

The stories are within you. Dig them out and tell them.

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