

This Dead-Simple Act Of Mine Fixed My Writer’s Block

Photo by Mario Gogh on Unsplash

The good thing about a writer’s block is, it really humbles you.

It made me realize that I could go from Shakespeare to a babbling baboon any-day.

This realization allowed me to exist on Medium simply as a reader and not a writer for sometime.

It’s like Thor losing his demi-god powers and existing on earth like a mere human.

But that was the key. To Thor and me both.

You see, while I was lurking around here like a bot, I was actually finding gold.

I was finding inspiration in all the different writing styles that exist here.

It happened through me discovering write-ups on topics and experiences that I never thought of writing on. It happened through me observing the nuances in each of your styles that I usually wouldn’t.

Writing Personalities

If the tone of words is a writer’s voice, then the structure of the story is the writer’s personality.

Some have subheadings, neatly structuring their story to look like a clean set of ironed shirts neatly placed in their closet.

Others have none and rely on their humorous, engaging narratives. A bold gamble, but plays in their favor nonetheless.

Then there’s the no-BS short sentences vs the long profound sentences with many commas and artistic wording.

Then, there’s the flamboyant images vs the too-cool for any image.

And the politically correct tones vs the stomping-on-many-egos tones.

So. many. personalities.

To be honest, I enjoyed all these different styles and voices. My subconscious probably enjoyed it even more.

At the end, my learning has been simple.

Just Switch It Up

I bounced off from the vibes on this platform and ended up so inspired that I just had to try something different.

The way the vast variety on this platform helped break my block taught me something.

That experimentation is key. You are not AI. You are an intelligent creature that can think out of the box.

Go give your article a different outfit to wear. This is your art. This is your baby. Mould it however you like.

Try something new. A different structure, a different joke, a different topic.

Maybe try a different pub.

Get meta with your writing!

Take any mental blocks as an opportunity to re-invent yourself each time 🌹

Writers Block
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