

Things I Like and Enjoy

Things we like connect us

Photo by Chris Maldonado on Unsplash

I like dogs

Three dogs live with us at the moment. First, a tiny Yorkie named Harley. Second, a Morkie named Ryder. I rode Harleys for years, and they went with me a few times — hence the names, plus it was fun.

We also have a Goldendoodle named Buddy, who resembles the dog above. Buddy is big, obnoxious, and fun. He’s mostly a poodle, so he believes that life is one continuous game, but he’s also an excellent guard dog.

I don’t think he would ever bite anyone, but he would scare the pants off them!

As a kid, I didn’t get to have pets. That changed when I got married, and I’ve never been without one. I really like dogs.

I like goats

You can read the article below to see my goats and find out why I love them so much.

I love them because they share their joy and silliness with me.

I like walking

Because I live on a farm in the country, I have a selection of places to walk. Yesterday, I was walking, and about 15 wild turkeys appeared, strolling down the road on a warm winter day. Last week, a coyote appeared in our pasture. We quickly sent him running. We see deer occasionally and regularly see raccoons, skunks, pheasants and quail.

Walking outside brings me peace, pleasure, and joy. After a long, cold winter, finally being outside in the sun fills me with life.

I love writing

The evidence of my love or writing is on Medium and the eight books I’ve written, with more I’m working on.

I don’t just like writing, I love it.

It’s my passion, and I particularly love writing on Medium. I also write books and love doing that.

Writing is a way to help others and myself. I am fulfilled when I pour out personal experiences and ‘likes,’ as in this article. I know I’m doing what I’m meant to do, which brings me great satisfaction.

I like my Bible

Recently, I bought a new Bible and love it — or I enormously like it!

It’s called the Open Bible and I have the New International Version translation.

I had one long ago, but then the Open Bible went out of publication, and they’re back! It felt like an old friend had returned.

I love Bibles, but this one is special to me because of its features. They fit my love of studying the Bible — one more thing I like.

I love spending time with my family

Our kids are all grown and have kids of their own, and we love spending time with them. Even chatting on the phone or texting each other is wonderful.

One of my sons, his wife and their kids live in Texas. We text almost every day. They have goats, dogs, chickens, Llamas and a Marmoset (tiny monkey), so I get videos regularly.

Family is so important. There’s nothing like laughing and talking with each other and our kids.

I like to bake Artisan Sourdough bread

Even though it’s messy and takes two days to finish, I enjoy baking bread. Getting some flour and water to turn into a beautiful loaf of sourdough bread is a challenge. Not to mention keeping your precious sourdough starter healthy.

Author’s Image — tastes better than it looks, although it’s a beautiful loaf!

Bake and let it cool a little before you slice it. Add butter or olive oil, and you’ll have a mouth-watering experience.

I like and love my friends

Long-term friendships are the best because you can be apart, get together again and start talking as if there was no break. We have friends like that, and they are a blessing. We know each other, trust has been built, and we care about each other.

Some friends closer than others but most friendships benefit our lives.

I have friends on Medium. I have never met them face-to-face, but they are my friends. I know many say that’s not a friendship. Okay, but to me, it is, and I’m good with my opinion, which you can read here.

I like ice cream

Rocky Road, to be exact. I like it too much, so I seldom have any.

But, ohhhhh when I do — it’s wondrous! Here are more things I like/love.

I like/love — sleep, grandchildren, my incredible husband (that’s a given), where I live, finger steaks (they’re an Idaho thing) at Tom’s Cabin restaurant where everybody knows my name (they honestly do), and my neighbors.

Then there are the hummingbirds who arrive every spring, the herbs I grow and dry, the honey bees that live at my house most of the year, contemporary Christian music, my church, church family, knitting etc., etc.

There are too many things to mention and that’s good.

Why am I writing about what I like?

Because, my likes and dislikes are who I am and it’s the same for you.

These commonalities are like glue holding us together.

Likes and dislikes help us learn about each other

When you read about things I like, you think about things you like!

It’s natural. You might see something I like and be reminded that you can’t stand it — like Rocky Road ice cream!

When we know what a friend likes and doesn’t like, we can give them things they like and enjoy. It draws us closer as humans. We tend to be drawn to those who have likes and dislikes similar to our own.

These seemingly unimportant parts of our lives are far more critical than we realize.

What things do you like?

Mine are not in order of like to dislike. As I thought of them, I wrote.

I’d love to have you respond and tell me about something you like and why, or something I like that you don’t.

Thanks for reading and God bless!

Photo by ABHISHEK HAJARE on Unsplash

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