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They’re Married?

High School Edition

Fri-YAY, September 15th, 2023

My Intro📣

I apologize for not posting yesterday, I was having a pretty tough day in terms of my health. But I’m back at it today, Alec and I are going to the Rodeo tonight so I’ve gotta be at least 80%.


I know it hasn’t been a long time since I graduated, hell it’s only been three and a half years. But, you almost instantly move on… well most of us (there are always those Super-Seniors). We find our real friends, the ones that carry us into adulthood (or we meet them there) and we actually keep in contact with; I am NOT talking about the friends in high school that you promised you would stay in touch with and have only interacted with through an Instagram like/comment.

It is ALWAYS a surprise, at least to me, when even those true friends share that they’re getting married. Of course, I’m always excited for them and congratulate them, but it still feels just a little crazy. They’re actually getting married… and I know them pretty well! I’m pumped to see them move on to bigger parts of their lives and grow further into adulthood.

But, when I’m scrolling on Instagram and I’m seeing a LARGE portion of the people I used to call friends, or even the ones I just shared hallways and classrooms with, getting married; it shocks me to my core. Some of these people I just didn’t imagine getting married this early, or even some of them to marry the people they did. What’s even crazier is seeing people who graduated after me getting married.

I wish them all the best but holy shit… and what makes my ‘shock’ even more weird, or dare I say hypocritical, is the fact that I was engaged at 19. Though it didn’t work out, we still had very real wedding plans. I would have been married at 20; the age I’m seeing a lot of my former acquaintances getting married at. I plan on getting engaged and married within the next three or so years, so my ‘confusion’ seems unjust.

I think what makes it feel so awkward to me is that maybe I still see all of these people as the freshman in high school I met them as. I haven’t been witness to see them grow outside of that environment and become actual adults. So to me, they’re still those same kids in high school who don’t know what they’re doing. I sit back and think about the growth and how much my life has changed post HS and it’s drastic; how can I assume that’s not how it went for them?

Anywho, this post was just a rant about how wide my eyes get every time I see an engagement or wedding photo on Instagram lately. Have any of you experienced this?

Photo by Jeongim Kwon on Unsplash

My Outro👋

Thank you so much for taking the time to read through this post where I spilled the jumbled mess that was in my brain. Have a magical, clear-minded day!

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High School
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