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They Lie, We Decry

Throughout Our Lives We Liefly Lie

Photo by Alex Green. Pexels.

They lie We decry They deny

They falsify Even taking the chance to glorify

Some lies swell uncontrollably huge and awry Always too late to rectify

Rather getting myself pacified Never thought of being a pigsty alibi。

White lies are lies 🤥

No matter how much sense they make White lies mostly are forgiven Utterly because The victimized liefly lie about forgiveness Flawlessly, likewise

Not anyone’s fault Speak to our unique ego The reason I act indulgently Although I have not yet met this piece of me

I did lie They knew it I knew they knew I knew it

We do lie Aha, every one of us Just admit it

No one ever said it is toxic。

Am no man of justice

Been busy managing the holes of lies I fell for

Those glory ones。

My paltry poetry. 自以為是,自以為詩。
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