avatarLacey Dearie


These Topics Will Lose You Dozens Of Followers

It happened to me

Photo by Luismi Sánchez on Unsplash

Yesterday I posted two blogs here on Medium. One was a little controversial. I admit that. The other was, in my opinion, just me standing up for myself.

But through a combination of these two posts, I lost dozens of followers and almost 20% of my emails subscribers. I did gain a few new followers, a ton of support from some fantastic friends I have made here and someone even bought me a Ko-Fi tip. It wasn’t all bad. But nobody wants to lose followers or subscribers and I think this is worth sharing. So what did I do that was so wrong?

Edit: 24 hours later the post I’m about to talk about got boosted. So yes, you may get unfollowed by people but brave, balanced writing can also be boosted if the Medium powers that be deem it good enough.

I Shared A Post With Trans In The Title

Yes, I did that. I’m aware there are many people who don’t want to talk about trans people or trans rights but it’s 2024 and it’s an issue that affects everyone in some way because I’m willing to bet we all know somebody who is trans. If you don’t, you probably know someone who wants to be and is too scared.

I Talked About Toilets

Not sure why this is an issue since we all use them?

The Toilet Post Was Actually About Autism Parenting

I know people who aren’t autism parents don’t really give a shit about the challenges we face on a daily basis beyond a sympathetic nod and some superficial support but the simplest things like going to the bathroom in public are huge challenges. That is what the post was really about, and it gave a brief nod to trans rights.

I Shared A Post About Unkind Comments

Mentally I had moved on from this by lunchtime yesterday but when I saw the nosedive in my stats today, it did make me think about it again.

I Showed Confidence In My Career

I’ve worked hard on my career. I know I can feel proud of what I have achieved. The volume of work I’ve produced over two decades speaks for itself. The income? Well, it’s never made me rich but it keeps me cruising and we’re a two car family so compared to some we are doing just fine. I’ll always feel good about how hard I have worked and I don’t believe in false modesty. As for the critics? I’m all for people chasing their own dreams but you don’t shine brighter by dimming my light.

To Sum Up

Trans rights, bad?

Autism parenting, bad?

Woman speaking out against misogynistic comments, bad?

Woman feeling good about her achievements, bad?


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