There’s a Storm That’s Brewing
Poetry felt through song
There’s a storm that’s brewing, There’s a storm that’s brewing, There’s a storm that’s brewing,
in my heart
There’s a storm that’s brewing, There’s a storm that’s brewing, There’s a storm that’s brewing,
in my blood
watering my ruins, dripping in my cracks, taking up my lack
There’s a storm that’s brewing, There’s a storm that’s brewing, There’s a storm that’s brewing,
Taken by the reins, the hail leads the way, that which felt like sin, a vision of mountains
There’s a storm that’s brewing, There’s a storm that’s brewing, There’s a storm that’s brewing,
Taking up my space, hovering over the human race
There’s a storm that’s brewing, There’s a storm that’s brewing, There’s a storm that’s brewing,
In my blood, my veins, my bones, my home, my ancient soul.
This poetry came through to me in a song, and I had to record it before it was lost into the abyss of my mind. As poetry is song, heard through melody, I put aside the thoughts that it wasn’t perfect and my voice is especially husky, and shared it here as a way to release and express my soul’s blood.
This simple song came from the nourishment of the storm brewing within and around me of late. But finding the aliveness within the storm. You can listen to how it came through here: