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A mouse, once living discreetly in a bear's house, narrowly escapes capture, is freed by a young girl, and finds a new life performing in a circus.


In a whimsical tale, a mouse lives undetected in a house owned by a bear who is both forlorn and miserly. The mouse, characterized by her propriety, begins farming but is soon defending her life from the bear, leading her to swim through syrup and bond with other mice. Captured by a girl, she is released and discovers a circus where she becomes a successful tightrope walker, thanks to the girl's intervention. This story is a fable of resilience, adaptability, and unexpected friendship.


  • The bear is portrayed negatively as an "awful mean miser," suggesting a lack of empathy or hospitality towards the mouse.
  • The mouse is depicted as resourceful and determined, managing to survive and adapt to challenging situations.
  • The young girl's compassion is highlighted when she releases the mouse despite her mother's orders, indicating a sense of justice and kindness.
  • The mouse's transition from a life of peril to a celebrated performer reflects the narrative's positive message about the possibility of transformation and success.
  • The story seems to value freedom and self-determination, as the mouse chooses her own path after being released, leading to her happiness and fulfillment.
Photo by Mario Esposito on Unsplash

There once was a mouse…

There once was a mouse who lived in a house but never a soul was the wiser.

Because the landlord was a bear so forlorn and became an awful mean miser.

So the mouse tippy-toed hitherto and furthermore, for she was really quite proper.

She started a farmer but the house it did charm her, so she moved in to start a new chapter.

Until she descended a syrup bottle to defend her

life among other poor meeces. She swam through molasses and

fellow mice comrades, until a hand grabbed her right up.

Oh, Mother dear said a lass not quite 8 years, what shall become of this

mouse? Put the lid on it now, get it out of my house, and never did she

speak of it again. Well, the little lass understood her Mother’s bad mood

and took the mouse and the bottle right out. Out of the door, and gently

on its side she’d implore, go now little mouse, your path to freedom

is quite clear. So the mouse squeezed out of the bottle a few steps and

looked back at this gentle giant. The mouse stood up not the least bit

defiant but proud and taking a bow.

The mouse ran up ahead with no feeling of dread as the girl looked up to see where the mouse fled.

What did she see, not one tent but three, a circus was now in town.

The little mouse knew, her destinations were few, for it was

whomever would accept her. And now the mouse can be found high up

from the ground, on a tight wire act with a net. And the mouse is quite

happy for this 8-year-old Lassie, who turned her choices sideways.

You’ll not see her complain not during show days, not to mention ever frown.

For instead of cooked goose, she’s now fully produced, in a 3 ring circus on the edge of town.

©️ Julie Handy 2023

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