avatarAnnelise Lords


Illumination Book Chapters

The Yellow Hibiscus Chapter 70

“How,” he emphasized, “will we get out of here?”

I swiftly untied him. Carefully he crawled out of the space, reattaching the vent. On closer inspection, I saw that Willoby’s face was black and blue and swollen, but he was alive. A sense of relief came over me, and his sight reassured me. We were in grave danger, but we were together.

“What the hell are you doing here?” He asked, hugging me to him.

“I work here,” I proudly responded.

“What?” His face was perplexed as he released me.

“Why have you put yourself in such danger,” he admonished. “How on earth do we get out of here alive?”

“I have a plan.,” I try to ease his worries.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he looked weary. “Are the two goons still by the elevator?”

“You mean those gorgeous hunks of steroids. I can’t imagine what von Brat is feeding them.”

“This is not a time to be flippant,” he was back to being bossy. “How,” he emphasized, “will we get out of here?”

“The balcony?” I pointed to the bedroom door, petrified to look at the more than 150 feet drop below.


“Do you want to get out of here or not?” I demand, glancing at the clock behind him.

“Yes, but what about you?”

“I work here.”

“I can’t let you do this.”

“I am not alone; another chambermaid is cleaning the game room. She can pop in any minute.”

“But . . .”

“We can stay here and argue until von Brat returns and kill us. Besides, you alone can’t take on those two men outside. Have you seen the size of those biceps? They are bionic, and . . ..”

“I get the message!” He conceded.

We tiptoed to the bedroom and listened at the door; they were still watching the home theater system in the living room.

“Listen, stay here. I will lure them to another part of the maze. When you hear a scream, wait until you hear them rushing in to investigate. Then head for the elevator, and press 69694.”

Joan gave it to me. If I needed to get any cleaning supplies, I might have forgotten. “That’s the code to get the elevator and then take it down. Do it quickly. When I get out, I’ll come to you.”

His eyebrows shot up, and he looked at my attire, finally comprehending. “I don’t like this Apikaila.”

“Trust me. We don’t have time. Just trust me, please,” I begged. I gave him twenty dollars for a cab from the money I’d hidden in my shoes. “Meet me at St. Christopher Chapel. Stay in the shadows until you see me.”

I pushed the janitorial cart to head out to the other part of the suite. He grabbed me and kissed me.

“Sorry, be careful,” he apologized.

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