My sword: prompt
The Warrior
The fiercest of my archetypes

A while back I went to a seminar on archetypes. With special interest to those who are our Shadow archetypes.
I discovered I have three — Sage, Queen, and Warrior.
And they all were birthed by a powerless child who was never heard.
The Sage has wisdom to share — bits and pieces of truth and inspiration. The Queen shall be obeyed or heads will roll! She rules with an unwavering vision. The Warrior gleefully arrives on the scene to settle any arguments — Right-Hand to The Queen and well able to swing her sword and roll those heads.
Wisdom is to be shared, but not by tyranny and brute force. I spent the better part of the last twenty years learning to sheath My Sword, stand down My Warrior, and engage My Queen’s voice — simply so My Sage could be heard over the din. Our Shadows have so very much to teach us — if we acknowledge them and their gifts.
When we speak the Truth of Our Sage to the world in a voice of Our Queen, Our Warrior can stand at ease. Sword at her side. Vigilant. Present. Watchful.
The tricky bit is the integration of Our Shadow archetypes into the Humans we are destined to Become. This is why we return with each spin of the Karmic wheel to face Our Shadows until we can love even the most fierce among them into stillness.