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The Upgraded Writer

Evolution Never Stops

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

How long has it been, Since you got a new phone? The one that you have is slow and old, No need to cling on to it, it is not gold.

Every year there is always a new one, That is sold on the marketplace. The televisions are updated, Yesterday’s phone is not outdated.

The laptop and the computer, Need an urgent upgrade to work well. Do you need to upgrade as a writer? Only time and your work will tell.

When you need to upgrade your phone, You just go out and buy a shiny new one. When you need a faster upgraded laptop, You get one at the expensive new shop.

How do you upgrade a writer? Evolution never stops we all know. Learn the craft and develop it every day, It will help you to upgrade as a writer, this way.

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash
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