avatarAli Alzahrani, M.Sc., Editor


The Unspoken Bond: Mother Eye Contact

Exploring the Silent Language of Maternal Gazes and Their Impact on Child Development

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In the daily dance of life, a mother and child perform a silent waltz of gazes; each looks a tender caress, a mutual recognition that blooms without sound. The study detailed in Scientific Reports (Shinohara et al., 2020) delves into these quiet exchanges, revealing them as the threads that weave the fabric of their bond, each glance a testament to an unspoken yet profoundly felt love. I will now discuss the study and its remarkable findings, which unveil the precious gifts our mothers silently offer us.

Study Participants

The research included 39 mother-child pairs. The children, aged between 7 and 9 years old, became part of an experiment to uncover the significance behind their mutual gazes.

Design and Methodology

Researchers employed Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) — a brain scan that lights up areas of the brain as they become active — to observe the neural choreography when these pairs exchanged looks. The Interaction Rating Scale (IRS) quantified the quality of their non-verbal communication, while video analysis provided data on the frequency and duration of their eye contact.


Findings indicated that children looked at their mothers approximately 2.4 times per minute, and mothers returned their gaze about 3.4 times per minute. True eye contact occurred around 1.2 times per minute, with IRS scores suggesting a healthy level of silent communication.

Astonishing Brain Scans

The most compelling aspect was the brain’s response registered by (fMRI) — brain scanner. In children, regions linked to empathy and attention, particularly the right anterior insula (AI), showed increased activity during eye contact. Mothers’ (fMRI) — brain scans mirrored this pattern, with the Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) — a hub for emotional and cognitive processing — becoming active during these exchanges.

The brain scans and numerical data from the study underscore a profound connection between the act of looking and the intimate communion of eye contact in mother-child dyads. These findings are not isolated; they echo the intricate dance of attachment and bonding highlighted in developmental psychology, providing a neurological basis for the importance of nurturing maternal bonds.

Implications and Broader Context

The increased neural activity observed in specific brain regions during eye contact underscores its importance in emotional development. This study contributes to a growing body of evidence that emphasizes the role of attentive, responsive parenting in fostering healthy social and emotional growth in children (Erickson, Sroufe, & Egeland, 1985).

Practical Applications

These insights have practical implications, suggesting that direct gaze interactions could be emphasized in parenting programs to support children’s development. Such knowledge could be invaluable for educators and caregivers, informing strategies that promote secure attachment and emotional well-being in children.


This study illuminates the silent, yet profound language of love spoken through the eyes of mothers to their children — a dance of glances that nurtures the bond and weaves the fabric of emotional growth. Every look from a mother is a brushstroke of care and understanding, painting a masterpiece of connection that guides a child through life’s gallery. So, here’s to the mothers around the globe: your gaze is a miraculous force, a gentle power that shapes hearts and molds futures. In the simplicity of your gaze lies the magic that turns the ordinary into the extraordinary. My mom, Your gaze, a missed haven, leaves an imprint of tender memories and unspoken words.

Author’s Note

In every corner of the world, the heart of a mother beats with a rhythm of love that knows no bounds. I invite you to take a moment and honor this universal melody. Leave a whisper of your thoughts in the comments, light up your Mother’s Day with a message that echoes your gratitude, and let’s weave a tapestry of appreciation together.

Love is the timeless dance of energy that connects us all. If these words have danced with your spirit, I beckon you to share this serenade, to engage deeply, and to add your voice to our chorus of celebration.

Should you wish to reach out for a symphony of collaboration or simply to share a note of your journey, my inbox awaits at [email protected]. Let’s kindle the flame of connection and illuminate the beauty of maternal grace.


Erickson, M. F., Sroufe, L. A., & Egeland, B. (1985). The relationship between quality of attachment and behavior problems in preschool in a high-risk sample. Child Development, 56(3), 932–940. https://doi.org/10.2307/1130101

Shinohara, R., Sato, W., Uono, S., Kochiyama, T., & Toichi, M. (2020). Intrinsic brain activity associated with eye gaze during mother–child interaction: An fMRI study. Scientific Reports, 10, 17052. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-76044-y.

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