avatarAaron M. Kippins


The Unparalleled Power of Pressure, Pivoting, and Prioritization

We all get stressed when there’s pressure. Well, pressure makes diamonds baby!

Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

Under Pressure

It’s been a rough week. It’s been a rough month. Honestly, it’s been a rough few months. 😅

I’ve been under pressure at work for a very important project that I’m a lead on. I’ve never really done this before.

That part isn’t important.

What is, is something that I’ve realized recently and something that I wanna share with you all.

Knowing when to take it, and work under pressure. Knowing when to pivot, and change over to something else. Then finally, knowing when to prioritize something else completely.

I wanna tell a short story and hopefully share some of what I’m learning, to become a better leader.

If you don’t have time for the story, I’ve got you, click here.

Photo by Uwe Conrad on Unsplash

Hands in Too Many Pots

Something that my manager always says to me is “You love to have your hands in a lot of pots. I just want to make sure you’re not overwhelmed.”

Usually, I think nothing of it. Recently there has been a lot going on and a lot of different initiatives with my name attached and I’m feeling the pressure.

I’m sure you guys have felt the same.

  • Career, dating, social life, fitness, mental health.
  • Kids, a spouse, taking care of the house, work, family, taking care of YOURSELF!
  • Secondary business, travel, planning, communicating with others, managing finances.

Whatever your busyness stack is, it’s full of things that kind of deserve equal attention. I’m not here to argue whether or not multitasking is real. Or tell you, “You need to time block your blah, blah, blah.”

Honestly, I probably should be working on one of my other things that has a deadline and needs my attention instead of writing this…

But this is alleviating that first problematic P for me.


This was a welcomed break. Even if only for 30-45 minutes while I write this.

When things get tough and busy we all put our nose to the grindstone and don’t come back up till it’s done.

This time I am telling you to do something. Breathe. Come on, together. Deep breath in through the nose. Then out through the mouth. Repeat that for 8 breaths.

We need to give ourselves breaks. Albeit short ones, we’re still in a pinch here.

One of the ways that we can do that is by doing what I’m doing right now.


Switch it up. Do something different. Keep things fresh.

If you have the ability to switch to something else that you’re more in the mood to do! I don’t want to write and review technical doc at 12:30 am but I will watch some TV and write a little bit!

The last one is probably the toughest one but will reap the most benefits.


I have multiple projects due I should probably work this weekend. My friends wanna hang out this weekend. I have an event to put on at work this Thursday. I have an event to put on at work next Wednesday. I’m attending a VIP networking session at my Alma Mater on Wednesday. I’m representing my company at a career fair at my Alma Mater next Thursday.

I’m gonna focus on one thing at a time and prioritize this week’s todos over next week’s. I’m gonna reswizzle something and maybe work nights so I can hang out with my friends this weekend.

I’m getting my priorities straight. I have a plan and it’s to prioritize what needs my attention now vs. later.

You should take some time, 5 minutes, to figure out what goes where. It’s all important. What’s my plan of attack?

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Too Long Didn’t Read

  1. Relieve Some Pressure — Take some of that pressure off every now and again. Take breaks and do something relaxing before you hop back in. Remember to breathe! 😂
  2. Pivot Sometimes — Switching between tasks can keep the work from getting monotonous. Maybe you go from writing to reading. Work working to going on a walk. From taking a meeting to making a meal. Pivot to give your brain a jolt.
  3. Prioritize and reprioritize — What’s important to me today may not be tomorrow. Constantly prioritize your tasks and take away some of the burden by replanning. Even if I have to work late the kids still need to be picked up from school. (I don’t have kids but you get the point 😭)

Hopefully, this made some sense and was helpful to someone. I love trying to thrive in chaos, but it stresses most people out (as it should). Hopefully, a peek into my brain will help you see how I go about managing it.

I’m gonna get some sleep!


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Check out another one of my articles if you have the time!

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