avatarAndrea Herman


The Universe Prepared You for Your Twin Flame

Everything is perfectly orchestrated for your soul’s expansion

Photo by Aldebaran S on Unsplash

Did you know that the universe was preparing you for your twin flame journey for years before you even met them?

The twin flame journey is your spiritual awakening. And this is not something that has happened haphazardly. It happened because you were ready.

Your entire life — and your lifetimes before that — have been energetically preparing you for this reunion with your other self.

I’ve been able to identify a very distinct roadmap and preparation process that led me to my twin flame in the years leading up to our meeting.

I hope this helps you to see that nothing happens by coincidence, and that everything you have experienced is part of the universe’s very well-orchestrated plan for your awakening process.

Ending karmic relationships

In 2008, I ended a karmic relationship that gave me a new appreciation for being single. After leaving that relationship, I felt that I had dodged a bullet, and I was extremely grateful.

I had a profound, very comforting realization that there was something worse than ending up alone — ending up with the wrong person. I was glad that there was nothing tying me to this person and that I would never have to deal with him again.

I was very happy to be living a baggage-free life, and I decided that that was what I wanted. I wanted real, true, soul-deep love, or nothing. I was not prepared to settle for the wrong person. I was not prepared to settle for a life of mediocrity — or misery — for the sake of having a companion.

The universe responded to this desire in a way I could have never expected. It prepared me for my twin flame and my spiritual awakening.

Building resilience and prioritizing self-care and self-love

After ending that relationship in the Fall of 2008, I committed to spending a year focusing on me and enjoying my own company.

As 2009 began, I joined a ski club. This was a very bold, brave move for me — going out of my comfort zone to meet new people on my own, and to hone a new skill. I was so proud of myself, and I was excited for this new chapter in my life.

Then, on my second time out on the ski hill, I fell and injured my knee. I ended up on crutches, and the ski season was suddenly over for me, just like that. I spent the rest of that winter going to physiotherapy and doing exercises to rehabilitate my knee.

Despite my plans and positive expectations, I had to surrender to the fact that the universe had other plans.

I had to learn to deal with the disappointment of not having things go my way, and I had to focus on self-care and rehabilitation at a time when I had thought I’d be starting something new and exciting.

Instead of spending time with new friends, I was spending it alone with me, learning how to love and care for myself, and nurturing myself back to health, wholeness and strength.

I have fond memories of that time, because it was one of the first times I learned to truly love and appreciate the act of taking care of myself and giving myself the love and attention I needed. It was doing more for me than I could have possibly imagined.

Expanding consciousness and remembering oneness

I did a lot of reading in 2009, including Eckhart Tolle’s books The Power of Now, and A New Earth. They were very enlightening reads, and I had no idea how these concepts would start to shape the new reality that I was moving into.

I was being prepared to move into a new consciousness.

That year, the movie Avatar came out. When I watched it, I had a profound sense of homecoming, a sense of remembrance. I felt somewhat shocked that the principles in this movie were not the reality of the world we were living in. I wondered what was wrong with our world, that we had forgotten that the world depicted in Avatar was the way life was actually supposed to be.

After watching the movie, my friends were discussing the special effects, and I felt like the “odd” one out because I didn’t care at all about the visuals; I was too focused on the message.

I was deeply impacted by the feeling that the movie left me with — the stark, clear, realization of oneness, the knowing that everything in life is interconnected. The knowing that nothing in this universe is truly separate. It seemed so obvious to me, and I was wondering why no one else seemed to share my perspective.

I was being awakened to unity consciousness.

Resonating with the energy of otherworldly, true love

That year, I also started getting into the Twilight books and movies, which were very popular at the time. I found myself becoming quite engrossed in the story of Bella and Edward, and I found something profoundly comforting — and almost familiar — about their connection.

The love story had this otherworldly quality —it had a sense of eternal love that transcended life, death, and all other obstacles. It also had an element of magic and the supernatural, being a story of vampires and werewolves.

Their love had this intense energy that needed to be handled with extreme care — an energy that was so intense that it could be as destructive as it was creative. It was an energy that needed to be balanced and mastered, such as the way that Edward had to manage his intense cravings for human blood.

Even though they had this big, all-consuming love, there was something so normal, so everyday, about this love. It was a love of being truly at home with another person, so deeply comfortable, where the rest of the world just falls away and nothing else matters.

My heart was starting to resonate with the feeling of true love that transcends this world. My energy was starting to familiarize with the intensity of twin flame love.

Building independence and self-trust

In the summer of 2009, I planned a solo trip to Europe. I spent a lot of time researching cute bed and breakfasts and excursions that I wanted to take on my trips to London, Paris and Rome.

Once I had done all of this research, I decided that a travel agent could probably do a better job of booking places and excursions for me, because they must know more than I do about what was “best.”

I handed my research file over to a travel agent and let her book everything for me. Long story short, the accommodations and excursions she booked were sub-par and extremely disappointing.

I was beside myself when I arrived at a sketchy hotel in the outskirts of Paris in the middle of the night. I ended up leaving that hotel and booking myself into the places I had originally found without the travel agent’s help.

When I returned home, I ended up making a big deal about it with the travel agency. The poor travel agent ended up writing me an apology letter. I made myself out to be a victim, when the truth was that I just needed to learn to trust myself more.

I learned an important lesson about trusting my own instincts, knowledge and ability to handle life for myself.

It was one of many lessons I would need to learn about becoming sovereign and releasing codependency on others, when it came to navigating my life and building the life that I want.

Breaking karmic loops and seeking a more meaningful life

In the Fall of 2009, I hired a personal trainer to help me to rebuild strength in my injured knee. I had every intention of rejoining the ski club and getting right back into skiing again.

In early 2010, I did exactly that. I joined the ski club, I met new people, and I started dating a new guy around March of that year. It was my last karmic relationship before meeting my twin flame.

By the end of April 2010, this new guy was turning out to have an avoidant attachment style, and I had no interest whatsoever in chasing him or playing games with him.

I ended the relationship very swiftly and without drama. I was deeply disappointed, but it had less to do with the individual and more to do with the fact that real love didn’t seem to exist.

My disappointment was leaking into all aspects of my life, and I found myself being easily triggered into fits of sobbing at work.

I was disenchanted with life, and everything seemed pointless.

I started feeling drawn to the idea of energy healing, and I did some Googling and found out that there was something called “Reiki,” an energy-based healing modality.

Connecting with energy-based healing and the spiritual realm

I sought out a Reiki-healer in my area and started going for healing sessions. At my very first session, my healer told me I was holding a lot of anger in my body.

She also said I had a lot of protection in the spiritual realm. She said I was surrounded by spirit guides.

As I continued to go for Reiki healing sessions, I started becoming much more in-tune with my intuition. I started having deeply symbolic dreams, and I started learning to trust my inner guidance.

One day my healer told me we had a “regular” visitor in our sessions — a spirit who would always hang out by a side table not far from the Reiki table where I was lying. I wondered if it was my late father, who passed away when I was a very young child. I’m sure now that it was.

Deepening intuition and learning to manifest

I enrolled in a writing class, and I started making decisions based on what was best for me. This included things like prioritizing my writing class over staying late at work.

I started to feel desperate to leave my workplace because it was becoming very unfulfilling. I spent a few months consistently applying and interviewing for jobs. Then one day, someone was ready to offer me a job. They reached out to ask for my references. And I had a moment of profound clarity — this was not the right job for me. I called the employer back and told them I was no longer interested in the job.

A few more months went by and there were still no leads on a better job. I was extremely disheartened. I surrendered the outcome to the universe, and followed my instinct to reach out to a recruiter in my network. To my surprise, she had a job that she was working on filling which seemed more than perfect for me.

This potential job was beyond anything that I could have expected or imagined. It was for a company I had never even heard of until now. My mind was instantly expanded by the realization that there was something more out there than what I had been able to envision based on my previous experiences. I really wanted this job.

Magnetizing your twin flame into your reality

I applied for the job, and it was a competitive process.

I later learned that one of the interviewees had actually abandoned the hiring process, because the hiring manager had somehow neglected to show up for the interview.

The universe was working in my favour for me to get this job.

I got the job, and I started it in November of 2010. Within a week or two, I met a “random” guy from another department.

By January 2011, this new guy was actively pursuing a relationship with me, and by March 2011, we were dating. By July 2011, we were in separation, and my life would never be the same again.

I did not learn until 2021 that this “random” guy I had met and dated all those years ago was my twin flame. But now, with the benefit of hindsight, it is abundantly clear. It is clear not only because of what my journey was like after I met him, but because of everything that happened before he even came into my reality.

For many years after he and I broke up, it felt like everything had been a big mistake, a big f*ck-up. I thought of him as the guy who ruined my life, because the pain of that breakup stripped me down to nothing, and I spent years building myself back up from the devastation of that loss.

But once I learned about the twin flame connection and started seeing the signs and synchronicities from the universe, I realized that everything in our connection had played out with an almost mathematical exactness.

There was nothing random about any of this.

The twin flame journey feels excruciatingly painful and confusing when you start to go through it. But if you start to look back on your life leading up to this meeting, you will see all the ways in which life started preparing you for this connection and this journey.

This is your soul’s awakening into who you really are.

You will connect the dots as your continue forward in your journey. Surrender and trust that the divine has a plan for you and the universe has got your back. You are on the ride of a lifetime.

Twin Flame
Spiritual Awakening
Divine Feminine
Divine Masculine
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