avatarLiam Ireland


The Undercover Writer

Blowing My Cover

Photo by Devin Kaselnak on Unsplash

As some of you may have already guessed, although I am Liam Ireland here on Illumination, I am also Ralph Emerson on Vocal Media. In fact, neither Liam nor Ralph is my real name, both are pen names for the purposes of writing on Medium and Vocal incognito.

The reasons for the subterfuge are manifold. One, I do not want to compromise my very private personal life with the publication of the authentic biographical details I write about. I have to protect the guilty as well as the innocent. I do not need the guilty people in my life coming on at me with complaints relating to what I said about them online.

Two, the reason for having two pen names is pragmatic. I do not want one email address to become too clogged up with incoming emails from two different platforms. I have even had to create another email address which is purely for personal contacts.

Also, when I decided to write for Vocal Media I did not want to bring with me any of my previous successful track record. I just wanted to be treated like anybody else, seeking nothing but friendship among writers in a new community. Having said that, this week I felt it was not a bad idea to reveal a little of my Liam Ireland identity for the purposes of writing the story linked below.


As Liam Ireland, I am a successful writer and editor for a variety of Medium publications. Almost on a daily basis, I am asked by fellow writers and followers on Medium if writing for Vocal Media has been a good experience and if it is worth their while to become a part of the Vocal content-creating community. My stance has always been as follows.

I believe it is worthwhile, even if you do not make a great deal of money. Writing is so much more than dollars and cents anyway. For a start, it will increase your exposure to a wider audience of readers as well as broaden your contact with other excellent writers. I believe both are essential for growth as a writer and as a person.

I also know that Vocal has at least three great advantages over Medium. One, the challenges provide inspiration and motivation, as well as a valuable financial reward, for ambitious writers.

Two, the Home Page section titled ‘Creators We’re Loving’ is both promotional and motivational, albeit a little flawed, which I have dealt with in the story linked below.

Three, the Top Story feature is a great promotional, motivational, and incentivizing tool for all writers. However, again I feel this is in need of some fine-tuning. You will understand more if you click on the story below.


Yesterday I published a very candid story about my three-year journey on Vocal Media. I wrote about my personal experience on Vocal and I sent an email of the story to CEO Justin Maury. I am happy to report that Justin found the time to read my email and took the trouble to respond in a positive manner. He has promised to attend to the points I raised and I am hopeful that in order to move forward toward greater growth he will ensure that Vocal Media provides a very much improved experience for all content creators.

Finally, let me make one thing clear; although the article below is from my personal perspective, I have seen various comments from other writers who have also expressed a degree of dissatisfaction with certain elements of Vocal Media. However, many people are loath to speak up and risk rocking the boat. I have to be honest, I felt the same way, but if somebody has to take the risk of upsetting the applecart, perhaps it is better it is somebody like me who doesn’t feel he has anything to lose.

If one or two things do change for the better, then it will be not just for me, but also for other writers who have felt that they were being overlooked in the clamor for attention, recognition, and reward, in the wonderful Vocal writers community.

Onward and upward and Peace and Love to you all.

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Vocal Media Review
Medium Vs Vocal Media
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