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The Unconventional Classroom: Lifelong Lessons You’ll Learn in the Company of Little Teachers

You Are Who You Follow

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Disclaimer:This article is based on personal insights and does not have any affiliate partnerships. The views and strategies discussed are purely for informative purposes.

Life has a way of teaching us even when we don’t want to listen. Our identities is often shaped by our environment and the people we share it with. The adage “You are who you surround yourself with” typically conjures images of ambitious peers, mentors, and thought leaders.

But what if your most influential circle includes those just learning to tie their shoelaces? This is my life currently. Being the girlfriend that left the frequent weekend turn ups to friday “family fun” night, my life is now different.

As a parent, I’m constantly in the company of my children. I’ve found that this familial classroom has elevated me, inspired my growth, and redefined my perspective on life.

Through their eyes, I see a world rich with wonder and endless questions, and it has become my mission to provide a safe space for them to simply be themselves— and in doing so, I am also becoming the best version of myself. And for that, I owe so much gratitude towards these little beings for showing me the importance of life in its simplest form.

Spider Baby — Photo By Mina Knows

The Canvas of Our Lives

Glancing at the walls of my home, I used to be annoyed by the sudden appearance of crayon art, a vivid testament to my children’s boundless creativity. But also a representation that we can’t control others and what they do in this world. All we can do is influence good behavior.

Initially, the markings on my wall felt like an unexpected mess, an added chore amidst daily routines. However, within the intricate swirls and handprints, I gradually recognized more than just vibrant colors adorning the walls. Those seemingly chaotic strokes held deeper significance — a tangible expression of trust and comfort.

These markings, once seen as mere scribbles, evolved into a visual symphony portraying my role as their safe haven. It was then that I began embracing this unconventional canvas of our lives, where every stroke became a testament to our bond — a testament I now cherish.

Photo by Mina Knows — We call it the CIRCLE ❤

The Dual Role

Teaching and learning become an intricate dance when you’re simultaneously a mentor and a protege. It demands a unique blend of confidence and humility — knowing that while you might have the answers to some questions, the journey is about embracing the unknown.

As a parent, I found myself wearing the dual hat of a teacher and a student, fostering an environment where curiosity and inquiry thrived.

Embracing this duality has not only expanded my role as a guide but has also nudged me to recognize that our greatest lessons often emerge from the unexpected — the unscripted moments of learning that shape both the young minds and our own. Which I caution ⚠️ other parents to also be aware of. There is no need to scold at such behavior but teach why its important to value the little things we have took for granted.

The Art of questioning

Encouraging curiosity begins with fostering an environment that nurtures questions and honors the quest for knowledge. My journey as a parent has often led me to unexpected sources of wisdom.

In one such instance, I found inspiration in an unexpected place. Which came from me being present in the moment of a children’s character.

a beloved childhood icon: Elmo.

Why Elmo?

This furry red character from Sesame Street had an impactful lesson that resonated deeply with my parenting philosophy. It’s a reminder that the power of inquiry and seeking knowledge together can bridge the gap between generations, opening doors to mutual growth and understanding.

Instead of pushing an answer to give to my children, I know encourage to find the courage to search for answers a parent may not be able to answer. My goal is to get them to find the right answer for themselves. Don’t get me wrong my three year old might not understand how to do this just yet, but my six year old will be more of a teacher than I do to the connections of age. So if I teach him to find a solution, so will it help my little one in the quest of learning.

The Goal to Be Interesting

As I continue navigating this symbiotic relationship with my children, I’ve realized that the role of a parent extends beyond providing answers. It includes the aspiration to continually expand one’s knowledge base and share those insights.

Consequently, my newfound aspiration emerged — to become a repository of diverse experiences and wisdom. Not only to satisfy my little ones’ endless curiosity but also to extend this wealth of insights to a broader audience — beyond the confines of our home.

To achieve this, I recognize the need to seek guidance from mentors who can further broaden my horizons.

So here’s a curated list of creators whose content has significantly influenced my journey and whom I believe can assist others seeking similar enlightenment.

Digital Creators Who Guide My Journey:

  1. My First Million Podcast: It’s a treasure trove of entrepreneurial insights, a podcast that has been a go-to for understanding the intricacies of turning ideas into lucrative ventures. This podcast has helped me understand the role of money, the opportunity available if you go against the norm and the power it has of creating for my own endeavors.
Screenshot By Mina Knows

2. Ship 30 for 30: These fellas speak on the power of writing and consistent content creation, reminding us of the impact our words can have on the world. I am on a journey of learning how to create my own road map to attaining a life of freedom. From the different aspect of learning and using it to share some knowledgable tips, I believe this group will help me begin monetizing what I learn and share.

Screenshot by Mina Knows

3. Ali Abdaal: Once a doctor, now digital creator who made his money through sharing productivity and studying tips. Ali’s content provides practical advice for optimizing your life and work to achieve a delicate balance. He has helped me with a mindset shift. We tend to think we don’t have enough time but in actuality we do. He teaches you how to leverage what you know, and how to use it to learn how to make things better.

Screenshot By Author

4. Impact Theory: This platform offers deep dives into the mindsets of high achievers, offering a roadmap to personal growth and excellence. They take real world issues and break it down to help others understand where they see themselves amongst the ever changing trends. Its always good to see other people speak about the view of what is happening around us. A lot of the content is balanced towards personal development, finances, and all around life lessons.

Screenshot by Mina Knows

5. Think Media: Lastly, we have a guide for navigating the world of digital content creation, Think Media is a catalyst for amplifying your voice across platforms. They share many insight but most importanly how to build your brand online. Since, I am focusing for 2024 on being more open and establishing opportunity through the internet, I need to learn how to do it from the best. This group is one of those.

Screenshot by Mina Knows

Each of these help make my life more simple, and easier in understanding that we have the power to do what we need to do. Our objective should be to using our environments to find our voice. I am hoping that each one of these mentors keep pushing me to follow through and achieve the life of owning my own time, to charish the moments with my little people.


My journey is a mosaic of various roles — mother, student, teacher, content creator. My children, with their unfiltered view of the world, have been my greatest motivators. They’ve taught me that every day holds the potential for growth and that seeking knowledge is a collective journey that never truly ends.

As I continue to share our adventures and learnings, the goal remains to not only provide for them but to instill a legacy of curiosity and lifelong learning. The lessons we learn together are the ones that resonate most deeply, for they come from a place of love and shared discovery.

In nurturing their growth, I’ve inadvertently nurtured my own, and together, we are building a future rich in knowledge, experience, and unending curiosity.

Hello, I’m Mina Knows, the voice behind “jtml8ter.com” I’m a content writer and founder of JTML Associates, a media company based in Atlanta, GA.

In my role, I’m all about building products and, most importantly, delivering value to you, the reader.

At JTML8ter, we’re on a mission to equip the next generation with the knowledge and skills they need to create their ideal lives. Each article is crafted with the goal of helping you thrive in the ever-changing landscape of personal and professional growth.

Personal Development
Content Creation
Life Lessons
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