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The True Law of Money!

Learn How to Create and Harness the Spiritual Laws of Money

Image of Ma’at, Courtesy of Ancient Kemet, via Learn Religions

Money is spiritual. Money is the presence of our vital functions of awareness, intelligence, creativity, and vitality, manifested as a current of Life energy. These spiritual forces are governed by the harmonic laws of Space/Spirit. Thus, money is neither created nor ruled by governments or central banks. Money is entirely generated by a living Soul.

Primal Laws of Money 1) The first law of money is Love.

2) The second law of money is Harmony — Truth, Order, Balance, and Reciprocity (Ma’at).

3) And from Love and Harmony flows creativity, abundance, joy, and so on.

What is the Metaphysical Meaning of Love? The word Love is not a feeling. Love is the synchronicity of Divine Will with Diving Harmony. Love is the marriage between our free Will (masculine) and the laws of Goodness — Ma’at (feminine). The feeling is only a biofeedback that occurs when we match our intentions with an act of Goodness. In essence, the feeling tells us that we have created a positive (Life-giving) energy with our function of Free Will.

Harnessing the Power of Money In order to create and harness the power of money, we must follow primal spiritual laws of Love and Harmony. The act of utilizing money (i.e. investing, saving, using, advising, and so on) must be guided by immutable laws of Space — Life, Love, Harmony, and so on. This means that we cannot use money in ways that adversely affect the lives of others and Nature. As a Life energy, money must always be used to propel Life; to expand Life; and to nurture Life-giving ideas, energies, and products.

Failure to adhere to the cosmic laws of money will inevitably lead to conflict, destruction and depletion of money. This might take time to be reflected in an economy. However, the result is always the same: economic failure, conflict, poverty, and monetary collapse.

Attracting Money If you want to attract the right energy of money into your life, do something good for another being or Nature. It is the energy of our intentions (Will) and our acts of Goodness that bring true wealth into the world. Only our Goodness can produce sustainable wealth!

Money Management
Law Of Attraction
Self Improvement
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