avatarCarerra Titus Kariuki


Some Undeniable Rules of Life

Some things in life remain unchangeable despite our efforts. The sooner we accept these truths, the easier we understand life.

Photo by Chris Larson from Pexels.
  1. Learn to take responsibility. Accepting responsibility is a sign of growing maturity and experience. You’ll become wiser and headstrong in the adversities that lie ahead without excuses.
  2. You can’t change your past. The most you can do is appreciate the good moments, learn from the experiences, live in the present, and focus on what’s next.
  3. The future is unpredictable. The short-term is predictable; the long-term is not. Only God knows what will happen in the distant future. Until then, create your own via your actions.
  4. Success is different for everyone. My definition of success will be different from yours. Play down the comparison game and compete with who you were yesterday.
  5. You are alone in life. You came into life alone, and you will leave alone. In the middle, make memories with your family, friends, and all those you love. Thanks to research, as you grow older, loneliness is but a state of mind.
  6. Failures are inevitable. Failures are a part of life. If you aren’t failing, then you aren’t trying. Remember, success delayed is not success denied, and failure is a detour, not a dead-end.
  7. Life is flawed. Life isn’t fair. It won’t always go as planned, and that’s okay. Life isn’t always meant to be happy. Bad things will still happen in life, but regardless, accept life that way.
  8. Nothing is permanent. Everything is temporary; nothing lasts forever. The only permanent thing is change.
  9. The perfect time doesn’t exist. There’s never a better time to start. Instead, make each moment perfect and begin as early as possible.
  10. Death is inevitable. You might as well live life and pursue your passion- whatever it is. Don’t foolishly YOLO, though, but within those fearful decisions lie the best moments of your life.

A few bonuses.

  • Money is important. Having tons of it is your choice, but undeniably, money is vital. Case in context: Figure out how you’re going to put food on your table tonight.
  • Don’t make a decision from a sunk cost. Among the few economics rules that applies to real life, don’t make a decision you’re not going to like just because it justifies a previous action you still didn’t like.
  • No one is perfect. We are flawed as human beings, and that is natural to us. We can be self-aware, though, and being aware that we are imperfect is the first step towards self-fulfillment. Also, flaws do make life exciting and worthwhile.




~Carerra. {Follow me on Instagram.}

Originally written on Carerra’s Chronicles.

Self Improvement
Life Lessons
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