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The website content discusses the author's transformative experience with two adopted kittens, Ryan and Rain, and how these kittens have brought immense joy and a sense of solution to all problems in the author's life.


The author, who recently adopted two kittens from the Humane Society, shares an intimate account of how these feline siblings have become the center of their world. The kittens, Ryan and Rain, have not only provided comfort and happiness but have also given the author a new perspective on life's challenges. The author believes that kittens have the power to solve major global issues, from world hunger to societal collapse, simply through their existence and the love they inspire. The bond between the kittens, especially the protective and nurturing relationship between Rain and her brother Ryan, has taught the author valuable lessons about love and companionship. The author has taken steps to ensure the kittens' happiness, including buying a cat tree and attempting to leash train them for outdoor walks. The kittens' presence has brought peace and contentment to the author's home, leading to the conclusion that adopting kittens can be a surprisingly effective remedy for life's troubles.


  • The author holds a strong belief that kittens have miraculous, curative powers capable of addressing and solving significant world issues.
  • Kittens are seen as a source of unconditional love and a means to teach humans about love's true meaning.
  • The author expresses a deep connection with the kittens, considering their happiness and comfort as paramount.
  • There is a sense of awe and gratitude for the kittens' presence and the joy they bring to the author's life.
  • The author perceives the kittens' innocence and playfulness as a cure for negative thoughts and a distraction from personal problems.
  • The author values the individual personalities of the kittens, noting Rain's wisdom and Ryan's adventurous spirit.
  • The act of adopting the kittens is described as a life-changing event, one that the author recommends to others facing challenges in life.

The Solution to Any Problem: Kittens

The amazing overlooked curative powers of these balls of fluffy cuteness.

Photo by Ilse Orsel on Unsplash

I adopted 2 kittens, a brother, and a sister, 4 weeks ago from the Humane Society.

I didn’t know how much that single act would change my life. Now, nothing else matters to me except their happiness, safety, and comfort.

I can’t think of anything else but them. Whatever problems I had before are meaningless. The kittens are all that matter now.

I am certain that kittens are the solution to all the world’s problems. World hunger? Kittens. Peace in the Middle East? Kittens. Unemployment? Kittens. Child abuse? Kittens. Societal collapse? Kittens. War in Europe? Kittens.

Kittens are the panacea, the wonder drug, the cure-all.

Just look at how cute they are.

Ryan at 8 weeks old, still learning to walk. (Author provided photo.)
Rain looks beautiful. Ryan playing in the background. (Author provided the photo.)

It’s not possible to hold any negative thoughts when holding a kitten.

My kittens are the most adorable critters to ever grace this planet. I am grateful they chose me to be their caregiver. I am happy they enjoy the house I bought for them. I hope my paycheck is enough to cover their needs.

They are the sweetest kittens ever. At least the little girl is. Her name is Rain. The little boy doesn’t know how lucky he is to have a sister like her. She puts up with his antics more than any other kitten would. Although she’s only 10 weeks old, she has taught me what love really means.

The boy’s name is Ryan. He loves to play. He’s so innocent. Sometimes his animal nature takes over and he gets carried away, but his sister lets him know. He immediately stops and gets such a look of concern on his face worried that he might have hurt her. He really loves her.

He’s very social and trusting. He loves to meet new people. He walks right up to anyone who comes over. Rain is more hesitant.

No matter how rambunctious they get when playing, they always cuddle up with each other when they go to sleep at night.

Brother and sister resting together. (Author provided the photo.)

Rain lets Ryan eat first. I didn’t like this display of domination at first, so I tried to put them in separate rooms at feeding time. You’d think I’d committed some horrific crime from the reaction of both of them. They had only been apart for about 2 minutes. I couldn’t bear to keep them apart from any longer than that.

At least, I figured, he lets her eat. I manage to sneak in some side treats to her when he isn’t looking.

Ryan has made a run for the front door twice. He wants to explore the world. He thinks he wants to be an outdoor cat. He’s a very brave kitten. Rain seems to have more common sense about her and is perfectly content staying indoors.

I just got two harnesses. I am attempting to leash train them so that I can take them for walks in the neighborhood.

Some websites have cautioned me that it can take up to a month to get them used to the harness and leash before I even attempt to take them outside.

In the meantime, there is plenty to keep young kittens entertained and active inside the house. I got them a cat tree, which they love to play on. Their favorite spot is wherever I am. They usually follow me around the house from room to room.

They have loved my house from day one. I remember the day I brought them home from the shelter nearly 4 weeks ago. Ryan rushed out of the box and started exploring immediately. Rain was more cautious staying in the box for a couple of minutes before stepping out.

Both of them have been purring nearly non-stop for a month. It’s like this house was built with kittens in mind. My furniture is equally kitten friendly. Ryan loves to run and slide on the hardwood floors.

The only problem I had was that Ryan had to be the center of my attention every moment. This included while I was trying to work at my laptop. As you probably are aware, as I had forgotten, cats love keyboards.

A roll of double-sided sticky tape later and that problem seems to have resolved itself. They no longer feel compelled to walk across my desk or keyboard.

I bought a water bottle too just in case. I have yet to fill it. My goal is to keep it empty through their whole development from kittenhood into adulthood.

Needless to say, I have fallen head over heels madly in love with my kittens.

Rain resting. (Author provided photo).
Ryan posing bravely by the jacuzzi bathtub. (Author provided photo).

It’s almost been a month now since they’ve come home with me and brightened up my life.

I hope we have a long life of love, peace, and happiness together. I am extremely grateful for their presence in my life. I didn’t know what I was missing until I adopted them.

No matter what is going on in your life, no matter what the problem is, I suggest giving adopting kittens a try. You may just be as surprised as I am.

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