The Smiles Behind the Mask
It’s the little meanings of the smiles that I miss the most.
It’s the smallest one’s that can be their first
The larger ones that make you wonder why?
Those that you see from across the room
Those that make you laugh when you see them
They can warm and kind
A sly one can make you wonder why?
A shy one can bring on a blush
An honest one can show love
Perhaps it’s meant as a sign of approval, and a sign of everything being “ok”
It can be friendly, welcoming and kind
A Mother’s can wipe the tears away without even so much as a touch
These are what I miss in these days of the pandemic. The big ones, the little ones, and all those in between.
Perhaps we can all smile our smiles again soon
Most likely you and I have many things in common these days of the pandemic.
Common things like having to wear a mask in public.
Bothersome things like trying to not run out of toilet paper, paper towels, and disinfectant wipes.
Or perhaps like me, you worry about the larger things perhaps both fearing for our lives. Fearing for those that we love around us.
For me, it’s also the smiles that I miss most.
Sure we have taken the smiles of others for granted throughout our lives, but now that they are gone, covered by the very masks that protect us, I miss them greatly.
Prayers, and hopes that we will be able to share our smiles with one another again very soon. I miss them!
Have you missed the smiles in your life too? If so, and you want to share how you have dealt with the loss, or how you have compensated, please post a comment below.
Perhaps by sharing our stories of perseverance through this historic time, and how we have found things to smile about despite, we can help one another get through this. Get through this together.
Michael Thacker is a not so young adult blogger, aspiring writer, and sometimes seller of real estate.
Michael tweets a LOT on Twitter. Posts every once in a while on Facebook. Occasionally lets his opinions be known to friends, family, and anyone else that will listen.