avatarFrank Ontario | empathy, logic, love.


The Slide

Chapter 5 | Secrets

Photo by freddie marriage on Unsplash

“Did I ever tell you about my father?” Alexis asked her.

“No. Do you want to?” Farha had heard stories.

“Yes, I would like. Before I start, promise me you will tell no one of what I am about to say.” He looked into her eyes as he fiddled with his collar and switched a button. A barely audible hum filled the room.

“I promise I will never speak of this, which you are about to tell me.” Their eyes met. He held her eyes for a long moment as he spoke and let out a breath. Alexis sat close to Farha on the bed.

“Thank you.

“As you may know, many Ukras have a long life. My father is nearly 350 years old, and that’s longer than the oldest of Ukras. Almost 250 years ago, he was one of the early explorers to become a part of an expedition into The Slide. It was just before the military took complete control of Fort Normandy and codified all to do with the Slide.”

“I know this,” Farha said quietly.

“What you may not know is that my father was one of two people that returned from the Slide with unusual sickness. The other man who had returned was also sick, and he was getting younger, too. Both men did not know what had happened. They had amnesia. Hypnosis was used but without success. The Psychic was called from Inja, though he is no longer referred to as the Psychic. But no matter. On his way here by train, he also started to get younger too. My father didn’t show any signs of aging backwards, but couldn’t remember who he was.

“Since my family comes from old money, the network was activated and he was smuggled out of Fort Normandy and eventually back to a series of houses in Ukra. When he returned home, my grandmother noticed he was getting younger too. Eventually the memory of his identity returned, but he has never been able to recall what happened inside The Slide or the events leading up to it. The reverse aging stopped when he became twelve physically. He began aging normally again. He met my mother many years later, and I was born.

“I changed my name and my background so I could join the military. Eventually I was able to be posted to the Fort.

“I know about your father having gone to The Slide. I know that one person came back from that expedition in the same condition as my father and that was why the Psychic was called. The reverse aging process happened again. But the Psychic was not involved in the reverse aging until he reached Paris on his way to Fort Normandy.”

“Wow. So, you got your posting so you could go into the Slide?”

“No,” he paused before continuing, “well, not exactly. I am terrified of the Slide, as I think any sane person might be. And I am equally curious about it too. I am not a scientist like you and your Uncle Tem, but I think I may have what you might call an encyclopedic mind to have assembled all information and a resource knowledge base about the Slide.

“For instance, I know of a man, Nikos — the Greek as he is known to by his friends mostly, who was once in the military and they kicked him out, probably for disobedience. But he, his wife, and daughter live close to the Slide along a mountain pass on a small farm with a mountain observation post. He builds computers, launches weather balloons, collects data from the satellite. He speaks many languages, and he is a constant reader of books, and is very well educated. He is a walking library of all history of the Slide. The pass is about 45 miles from the first ring of the Slide zone.”

Farha was speechless. Alexis looked at her, wondering if she had passed out. He was about to speak when Farha broke the silence:

“I am not at all surprised that you would want to keep this from the military. And I am happy that you told me. I have many questions, but I will think hard about them before I ask you. I need rest.”

Alexis reflected on her words and thought — here is some depth of maturity. He switched the button off by cocking his head to one side.

They both breathed a sigh of relief.

Her aunt approved the release. Alexis and Farha took the train to Normandy Station and hired an E-cart to take them to the fort.

It was difficult and frustrating getting through security, even though Alexis was in uniform.

Once they arrived at the cottage, the main space had been cleared of all information related to construction. The Romanoffs were gone. The terrace work had come to a halt nearly one year after it had begun due to the approach of the satellite.

There had been another incident with the sacred metals embedded in the stones and they were being removed. There was a question whether the project could continue. Dissent and uproar ripped through the Fort causing factions to form. Fierce debates ensued and threats were made on both sides.

General Bayard had been called out of retirement to deal with the factions and take tighter control of the fort.

Before the General and his troops arrived, Accounting Division for the project couldn’t locate a few pieces of the sacred metals. A lockdown of the fort and surrounding grounds was instituted and enforced.

Chapter 6: Inquiry & Interrogations awaits you when ready…

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Rebecca Romanelli | DL Nemeril | Winston Huang | Marcus aka Gregory Maidman | Elle Beau ❇︎ | Filiz Özer | Melanie J. | madmess’s thoughts | Dr Mehmet Yildiz | Joseph Lieungh | Alison Hollingsead | Matthew Nashira | I. Trudie Palmer | Ravyne Hawke | Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀 | OrlaK | Mark Tulin | Shirley Willett | Alan Lew | David Price | Diana C. | Blaine Coleman | Michelle Roussin |

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