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The article is a short horror story about a creature called a Silhouette, which is difficult to identify and can latch onto people, becoming their perpetual stalker.


The article is a short horror story titled "The Silhouette — A Short Horror Story" about a creature called a Silhouette. The story is told from the perspective of an old man who has encountered the creature and is trying to explain it to someone else. The Silhouette is a creature that is difficult to identify and can take on various forms, making it hard to confirm its presence. Instead of visual confirmation, the old man suggests listening for whispers or feeling its breath as signs of its presence. If a Silhouette latches onto someone, it becomes their perpetual stalker, following them until their death. The old man advises not to panic or stare at the Silhouette if it is spotted, as this can stir it up. He also mentions that there is no known way to get rid of a Silhouette once it has latched onto someone.


  • The old man believes that Silhouettes are real and that they can latch onto people, becoming their perpetual stalkers.
  • The old man thinks that visual confirmation of a Silhouette is not always feasible and that listening for whispers or feeling its breath are better ways to confirm its presence.
  • The old man advises against panicking or staring at a Silhouette if it is spotted, as this can stir it up.
  • The old man believes that there is no known way to get rid of a Silhouette once it has latched onto someone.
  • The old man thinks that people who dismiss his warnings about Silhouettes are foolish and will regret it when they encounter one themselves.

The Silhouette — A Short Horror Story

An old man and his Silhouette

Photo by Reno Laithienne on Unsplash

Is that what you saw? Yeah… I know what they are. You say you’ve seen one? What exactly did you see? A dark shadowy figure… maybe blending into its environment?

That’s a Silhouette. I’m talking about the creature, not what you’d normally think of when you hear the word. Creature is the best way to describe it. No one really knows what it is. Only way to see it is if you cast light on it.

Thing is… you never know what form it’ll take. There’s been spottings of Silhouettes shaped like humans and dogs and cats, you name it. It’s possible that some of it is not true. But… the most terrifying are its unrecognizable shapes. What’s it pretending to be then? Itself?

Huh… don’t believe me? You wouldn’t be the first. Plenty have told their story here and I explain to them what it was they witnessed. They brush me off like some crazed lunatic. Heh… they never show up here again.

You can leave, forgot all I said, go about your life and hope you are safe. But if you are at all curious, listen here.

Because it’s difficult to identify a Silhouette, visual confirmation isn’t always feasible. Instead, listen for whispers. If you’ve been by one, you can sometimes hear someone whispering nearby, even if you’re all alone. It sounds like it comes from all around you instead of just one location. Heh… it’s quite frustrating, if you ask me.

Some have told me they’ve felt it breathe on them. They turn around… no one there.

Now listen closely. If you think you’ve run into one, then it latched onto you. The Silhouette will be your… perpetual stalker. I mean… forever… to your death, whether it’s natural, or… by its hand.

Best thing to do is not panic. That usually stirs them up. Prolonged staring is also not recommended. If you spot it, ignore it and don’t look again… regardless of its behavior.

Huh? What do you mean by how do you kill it? You can’t. You can’t get rid of a Silhouette once it’s latched onto you. At least, no one’s found a way yet. Maybe you’ll be the first, eh?

Yeah… of course, you hear nothing about it. I tried to tell people. I even told the local news, but they think I’m crazy. Yeah, me… crazy, sure. They’ll see. When they get a Silhouette latched onto them, then they’ll come crying back to me for help.

Too late then.

Yeah… too late then.

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