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A short story

The Sex and Colour of Justice 2

Chapter 2. A tale of the grave injustices visited upon a male person of colour.

Bruno Thethe on Unsplash

Sun, sand, sea, a subtropical climate, a diet, and lifestyle to die for. I almost did indeed die. The paradise I had craved for for so many years turned out to be nothing less than a living hell. It was a place in which a very large part of me passed away as sylphly as a pupa turning into a chrysalis. It was a passing from sweet innocence to harsh experience in a foreign land. Had I known what the future seventeen years held in store for me I would have run a thousand miles to get away from it. To this day I often wonder why I didn't just pack my bags and head for the hills of some other far away terrain.

Almost from the beginning I had become embroiled in a situation any sane person would have high tailed away from. I had a very close friend who did just that. David was a really sweet guy who was betrothed to my wife's sister. He too had made the move to the foreign clime we found ourselves in. I knew David had had a few problems with my sister in law, who like my wife could be somewhat disagreeable to say the least. But what David told me one day quite simply appalled me.

David's father had passed away unexpectedly and clearly upset he told my sister in law. He said that he would have to go back home to our homeland immediately. She was not impressed.

"I hope David, that doesn't mean that you are going to go running home every time somebody in your family gets a common cold."

The lack of sympathy and support was one thing, the sheer selfish nastiness was on another level. For David, it was the last straw. He dropped her off at work, went back to my mother in law's house, packed his bags and left, forever. More than once over the ensuing seventeen years I thought I ought to have done the same.

Back in my home country I had fallen in love with, got married to and had a child with somebody who was to be my nemesis. How little I realised what an agent of pure and utter evil I had fallen for. The devil is a master of disguise and in this case beguiled me with a mesmerising, wondrous pair of large breasts (always my weakness) and an insatiable, boundless appetite for sexual ecstasy. Much later I learned that at one time in her past she had prostituted herself not for the money so much as for the pleasure of it. I did eventually come to the conclusion that I had not fallen in love not with the person but with the happiness that she brought to my penis.

This was not at all surprising since for the best part of twenty years I had been married to a repressed prude who saw sex as a duty, Suzy was the sort of girl who preferred her sexual duties to be carried out under cover of darkness, eyes closed and think of England. And the mere thought of oral sex so appalled her (it was dirty) that she managed to evade the activity for the entirety of our marriage. The arrival of Satan with enticing promises of immense sexual energy and nothing off limits was more than enough to hitch my heart this star of unbridled sex. It was the biggest mistake I ever made in my entire life.

A new start to an exciting new life in some land of paradise beckoned strongly enough for me to sell up lock, stock and barrel. It did mean leaving behind three children from my previous marriage to Suzy. However, sweet little Suzy was not allowing me any contact with my children for nothing less and nothing more than spite. I reasoned that I might see more of them if I moved to paradise and invited them over. The new love of my life reassured me that my children could visit me and stay with us any time for as long they liked. For me it was a done deal. Only once we had made the move, and I had burned all my bridges behind me, did Beelzebub with a big pair of tits make it quite clear that my children would not in fact be welcome to our home in paradise at all. Oh what duplicity. And that, I am sorry to say, was just the beginning of what turned out to be a nightmare of a living hell in the sun.

As I calmly sit and look back the events of those lost years of happiness, safely ensconced on the far side of the planet, with a wonderful woman who truly loves me, I do wonder what on earth possessed me to put up with so much for so long. After little more than a year the sex had been inexplicably brought to an abrupt halt.

I remember one Saturday evening when I was sat in the lounge of our rented apartment thinking about going to bed. Suddenly I heard a low buzzing noise coming from the bedroom. When I went to investigate I discovered that my little sex bomb was busy pleasuring herself with a vibrator. Hopeful of things to come, if you'll pardon the expression, I went to get in bed.

The sex kitten was having none of it. She pushed me away and told me to leave her alone as she was enjoying herself very nicely indeed without me. I beat a retreat back into the lounge and felt obliged to wait until she had finished. That turned out to be one of the less hurtful things that happened in that place we called home.

One day we were busy cleaning the kitchen and I placed a clean cup on the worktop. Madam chastised me, telling me that that was not the place to put a cup. "Does it really matter?" I asked. Her response put me in hospital. She quickly grabbed a boiling pan of water and threw it all over my left arm. "Does that matter?" she said nastily. The injury was so bad I had to run out of the apartment and race to the hospital.

I spent the entire night in casualty waiting for treatment to my scalded arm which had swollen up to quite a large size. Eventually I made my way home with my arm bandage up and a prescription for some sort of cream.

When I got home I decided that it was far too dangerous to actually go inside the apartment in the dark. This one took no prisoners. It truly would not have surprised me to find her waiting for my return with a big sharp knife. So I did no more than lie back and go to sleep in my car in the parking space just below the apartment.

At sunrise I felt emboldened enough to finally go in to the apartment. What followed was even more unpleasantness.

"Where did you go to last night?" the Devil snarled.

"The hospital for treatment to the burns you gave me." I replied.

"Liar!" she spat venomously.

"I have the bandage and prescription to prove it bitch."

"Liar, liar, liar! You've been with another woman. Who is she?" she yelled at me.

"I slept in the car outside."

"Liar, I looked out and didn't see any car."

"Then you must be blind babe, cause that is exactly where I slept last night. Deal with it."

I suppose at this point I really ought to have just got the hell out of there. The big problem was we had a beautiful little boy and having lost three children to my first ex, I wasn't prepared to lose this one.

In time, we overcame the outbursts of nastiness by dint of my long suffering patience and, to be honest, not really knowing what to do about it. I had nowhere else to go. I just told myself to suck it up princess and maybe she will calm down if I give it enough time. That was a bad call on my part as she only got worse and worse as time went on. And I was so absorbed with trying to learn a new language, to work to pay our bills and defend myself when the attacks came thick and fast. In that melee of awfulness I missed one vital clue as to what was really going on with my little nest of vipers. It was a clue to the unthinkable.

I had long before learned that when your other half starts to accuse you of being unfaithful, and you know you are completely innocent of all charges, there is only one possibility. As Sherlock Holmes more than once famously said "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." The truth was, Beelzebub herself was having an affair and was projecting her guilty secret onto me, and her vicious vindictiveness at being found out was not a pretty sight to behold, let alone to live through.

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Legal Persecution
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