avatarKirsten McCurran



The Seductive MILF 1

If he didn’t know better, Chase would swear his roommate’s mom was hitting on him…

Image © Pawel Sierak/depositphotos

The first time I met Ashley London was on move-in day of my freshman year. Her son was my roommate, and I promised to take Kyle under my wing. I was not an average freshman. I came to college after a five-year hitch in the Navy. It was weird to be a twenty-four-year-old freshman with a bunch of eighteen-year-olds. We could not have been more different. After my tour of duty overseas, I had a very different perspective on the world. But then, Ashley London wasn’t like any of the other moms I saw on move-in day either. She was the hottest fucking MILF I’d ever seen.

I got rock hard the first time Ashley smiled at me. I tried to call her Mrs. London because I was raised right, but she insisted on Ashley. She told me she loved my southern accent. I told her I couldn’t believe she was Kyle’s mother. Ashley giggled and admitted she’d had him young. I wouldn’t have guessed she was more than forty at the oldest. I learned she was forty-six when I googled her.

Ashley London was a former local news weather girl in Milwaukee, and I found plenty of hot pictures of her on Reddit. She met Kyle’s stepdad when he became the sports guy there and followed him when he got a job in Florida. She worked a while in Tampa but had been off the air for a few years, which shocked me. I’d be watching the local news every night if I knew they had a hot MILF like her doing the weather.

Volunteering to help Kyle carry his stuff up from the car was a no-brainer because I got to spend more time around Ashley. She wore a white, V-necked t-shirt, and tight jeans and still looked like a model, with blonde hair flowing down her back. Below that hair was the most perfect ass I’ve ever seen. They needed the help because Mr. London, Keith, couldn’t do much, despite looking like an aging linebacker. He had a back injury that limited his mobility. I was happy to be Ashley’s knight in shining armor.

“You don’t look like a college kid,” Ashley said as we walked to their rented van.

“Is that good or bad?” I laughed.

“It’s just, I still see Kyle as a kid, but you’re a man. It’s a good thing for sure.”

“Thanks.” I told her about my time in the military.

“Thank you for your service, Chase.”

“I mostly did it to pay for college, but thanks anyway.”

“I bet you looked fine in your dress whites. Women love a man in uniform, you know.”

Was Ashley flirting with me? It sure seemed like it. I swear she bent over way more than she had to when she handed me a plastic tote, giving me a long look down her V-neck at perfect, big tits barely encased by a lacy bra. A smile was on her shiny pink lips when she handed me the tote and I was glad to take it. I needed to hide my erection.

The rest of the day went like that, even when Kyle’s parents took us to dinner off campus. Ashley came right up to the line of flirting, even with her husband and son right there. I get that Kyle might not pick it up, but Keith just seemed to ignore it. What was going on? I was sorry to see Ashley go home when the night ended, but she was on my mind when I pumped my dick in the shower before bed.

Kyle and I were only roommates for a few months when he insisted I come home with him for Thanksgiving weekend. We were friendly but weren’t close. The difference in our ages and maturity levels had a lot to do with that. But Kyle knew my family was all in Washington state and that going back there wasn’t feasible just for the long weekend. I didn’t want to be a third wheel, but when he said his mother would kill him if he didn’t convince me to come, I caved. If Ashley wanted me there, I was ready to go.

I drove since Kyle didn’t have a car at school. We got in late Wednesday night and Ashley greeted us at the door wearing a short, thin nightgown. She was backlit in the doorway, perfectly outlining her amazing figure. I swear I could have sketched the round outline of her huge orbs. Fuck, she was hot!

Kyle’s friends had to be beating off to his mom from middle school on. I would have died if any of my friends’ moms were half as hot as Ashley. Kyle hugged her tight like his mom being half-naked was perfectly normal. Her ass almost hung out when she raised her arms to hug Kyle. I was baffled. My mother would never have worn anything like that around me — or at all. My sainted mother did not dress like a slut.

“I’m so glad you came to celebrate the holiday with us,” she said, stepping down from the doorway to give me the same warm, tight hug she gave Kyle.

I froze in place, fighting every natural instinct. My body knew what to do when a woman like Ashley pressed against me. Unlike her son, I wanted to grab her sweet ass. My cock stirred in my shorts, and I hoped she didn’t feel it. I must be crazy because it felt like the blonde MILF was wiggling against me. Instinct took over and my arms closed around her. Fuck, her body was tight. Not just thin, but hard and fit. That woman had to work out. She felt good in my arms — right. I only just managed to avoid grabbing that ass.

“It was really nice of you to invite me, Ashley.”

“I’m thrilled to see you, Chase. You’re welcome in our home anytime.” Ashley kissed my cheek.

Kyle said he was beat and went right to his room. I carried my bags to the guest room, but the house was oppressively quiet, and I was too restless to sleep. TV news paid well and the Londons had a huge, Spanish Mission Revival house. The guest room was off to one side with a game room and felt like it was in its own wing. I wasn’t used to such opulence. I grew up in a small, suburban split-level.

The house was dark and quiet when I went through to go out onto the patio in the back. Most of the backyard was occupied by a large, kidney-shaped pool that looked pretty lit from under the water. A row of tall palm trees lined the rear of the yard beyond that. I settled into a lounger and listened to the buzzing of insects. A slight breeze helped with the Florida humidity.

The patio door sliding open broke the peace and I turned to see Ashley coming outside with a beer in each hand. “I thought you might be thirsty,” she said.

Ashley bent over to hand me the beer, and this time those wonderful, unrestrained tits swung freely when I peeked down her nightgown. I swore the woman was teasing me. I was speechless when I accepted the beer. She took the lounge next to me, her nightgown nearly riding up to her lap when she reclined. Ashley didn’t bother to fix it.

“I love it out here at night. It’s going to sound weird, but I think the tropical night sounds are musical, yes, even the bugs,” she said.

“I bet you and Mr. London spend a lot of nights out here enjoying the peace.”

“Not as many as I’d like. He does the late news Monday through Friday, so I’m mostly here by myself at night, which is why I’m thrilled to have you boys here. I get lonely in this big house by myself.”

“I can imagine. I like to be on my own — you crave personal space after being in cramped quarters on an aircraft carrier — but I get too in my head if I’m too much on my own.”

Ashley reached over and patted my leg. “You don’t have to worry about being lonely here, Chase. Just come and find me if you want company.”

“I appreciate that,” I replied. Kyle’s mom was definitely flirting with me.

Was it flirting or teasing? Ashley was a married woman. I couldn’t imagine she was seriously interested in hooking up with her son’s college roommate. But I couldn’t comprehend why she would tease me either unless she was one of those women who just loved attention. I doubted that Ashley ever lacked for that. I didn’t want to think she was toying with me, because that would have just pissed me off.

We sat in silence for a while, sipping our beers. I pretended I was staring at the gentle ripples in the pool, but I was spying on Ashley from the corner of my eye the entire time. She rubbed those long, tan legs together like she was trying to start a fire, which just raised her short nightgown higher. I spotted a tiny tattoo of an infinity sign on one ankle, and she wore a gold chain on the other. If she parted her thighs, I was going to know her grooming preference, although I was sure a woman like her was bare down there. I shifted in my lounge, hoping it wasn’t obvious that I was trying to adjust an erection.

“Can I confess something? You won’t judge me, will you Chase?”

Oh shit, here it comes, I thought. Is this where Ashley tells me that her husband just doesn’t do it for her anymore and she needs young dick? I’d like to think I’d take the high road, but my balls had started to ache. I also didn’t believe Keith wasn’t taking care of her. Even older and grayer in middle age, he still looked like an athlete.

“Sometimes, on really hot nights when I’m here by myself, and I can’t stand the humidity any longer, I’ll just throw off my nightgown and jump in the pool.”

“Without a bathing suit?” I dumbly asked.

Ashley turned toward me like she was daring me to look down the front of her nightgown. “Do you think I’m wearing a bikini under this?”

Fuck! It had to be a dream, and I had to make myself wake up. But then again, I am a man, and I’ve been around the block. I know what to do when a sexy woman is flirting with me — whether or not she’s my roommate’s mother. I’d been trying to be respectful, but I don’t think Ashley wanted respectful.

I pointedly looked down her nightgown and said, “Doesn’t look like it.”

“I’d jump in right now, but I don’t want to embarrass you.”

“I’m not easily embarrassed. It’s your house, Ashley. Do what you need to do.”

Ashley smiled because I was finally playing along. She knocked back most of her beer, stood, and sashayed to the edge of the pool, the swish in those hips making her ass even sexier. Ashley tossed a look back over her shoulder and pulled the nightgown over her head. She wasn’t even wearing panties under it. She slowly walked down the steps into the pool like she was willing me to follow her.

All I could think was, what happens if I do? Am I really going to fuck Kyle’s mom in their pool while he’s asleep in the house? While her husband is at work? I didn’t want to be that guy. I mean, I wanted to — fuck, I wanted to — but I shouldn’t be that guy. I watched Ashley swim away from me, pushing that ass up out of the water, drained my beer, and walked away.

to be continued…

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My new short story collection, Good Wives Bad Behavior, is now available on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited. This collection includes 4 of my most popular Medium shorts and a brand new story, Brenna Earns in Vegas, about a conservative hotwife who takes on the ultimate dare. CLICK HERE TO GET IT NOW!!

Serial Fiction
Age Gap Erotica
Erotic Fiction
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