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The secret to sales (The Core 3)

A guide on utilizing the best proven sales strategy in 2024

Two men making a deal ~ Generated with AI by the author

Sales will remain a crucial aspect of business in 2024. Yet not many people have heard of the most effective sales strategy. In this post, I will explain the most effective sales strategy in 2024: “The core 3”. Let’s start by understanding a normal sales process.

Generic sales process

Most sales processes look like this:

Outreach to get leads -> contact leads -> get leads on a call -> explain the offer and what you can do for them -> close the sale on a second call.

Don’t get me wrong, this is a fine strategy. You probably will have to work hard, but you can still see good results. However, the core three can make your sales process more successful and effective. You will have more leads, which translates into more sales calls and more sales.

Breaking down the core 3

Core 3 can be broken down into three parts. The first part will be about getting leads and having them book a sales call. The second part will be about those sales calls, and the last part will be about closing the deals.

Here are the three parts:

  1. The Incentive Asset: This is the asset that you create to incentivize an action of some kind from your prospect. Whether you are trying to book a call, get prospect contact information, or boost engagement, your incentive assets are like your frontline troops. They help you get into the fight, but they don’t finish it.
  2. The Anchor Asset: This is the asset that handles your prospects while you’re on call. This can be a number of things, but its purpose is to serve as a record of what happened on the call as well as a relative or valuable resource to give to your prospect when the call has finished in order to summarize the happenings in a well-organized and formatted way.
  3. The Post-Call Asset: Now that you’ve completed the call, it’s time to send your prospect a high-value, preferably highly relevant, resource. Most of the time, you’ll want a decent selection of post-call assets in case your RPCs (real-problem calls) go in a direction you didn’t initially anticipate. The more relevant and personalized this feels, the higher the chance your prospect books in for a call.
Your incentive asset will make strangers interested ~ Generated with AI by the author

The Incentive Asset

This is your first asset. This will be the asset you use to turn strangers into leads. You will have people DM you to get this asset, or have them enter their email on a basic funnel.

In order to create this asset, you must understand your target customers and the markets they will be in. Your asset must solve a generic problem for them and make them interested in what other services you can offer them.

Before creating this asset, make sure you know the following things:

  • Customers market position
  • Customers pain-points
  • Your ICP (Ideal Client Profile)
  • Customers ‘Unique Mechanism’

Make sure, when creating your asset, that you keep in mind those things and make it as valuable as possible. Your incentive asset must be very good and valuable because you want people to grow interested in your business.

Don’t forget to use proper branding on your assets; you don’t want people to just steal them. (Though that probably will still happen.)

Generating Leads Using Your Incentive Asset

Now that you have your first asset, let’s start to use it. This asset will be your lead magnet. You will share it on all of your social platforms. Depending on what you prefer, you will either use automated DM’s to respond to certain keyword DM’s (like asking people to DM ‘RESOURCE’) or you will have them go to a funnel where they submit their name and email.

From your asset, you will have a clear CTA (Call to Action) that allows people to book calls. Besides adding that CTA to your asset, you can also send a DM afterwards to ask if they want to hop on a quick 1:1 call.

The Anchor Asset

This will be your main asset. Your anchor asset will help you convince people that you can help them and make them buy your offer.

The Anchor Asset will be your guide through the sales call. You will go through this asset on the sales call, explain it, and make a connection with the customer. At the end, after providing a lot of value, you will share your offer and set up a second call.

The Anchor Asset will solve one of their real and very big problems. You have to make sure it’s very understandable and super valuable. The key to all of these assets is providing additional value. This will lead to customers being convinced you are the right person to solve their problems.

The Post-Call Nurture Asset

This asset is a way to double down on the value you give it. After your sales call, you simply send them some more personalized, valuable assets. This not only shows you have the right knowledge to help them, but also that you understand them and that you will help them.

You can send multiple post-call assets, depending on the situation. Make sure your post-call assets are more personalized to the specific problems of those customers. This will make them feel more appreciated and welcome. You shouldn’t be sending your generic incentive assets after meeting them on a call.

The sale

Now they are absolutely convinced about you. You’re the right person, and you have given them immense value. All you have to do now is show up at the final call they booked with you to discuss more practical things concerning your offer.

They already trust you now, and it should be a piece of cake to get them to buy your offer now.

A man closing a sale ~ Generated with AI by the author

Practice makes perfect.

Now that you’ve gotten a basic understanding of Core 3, you must try it out. By testing and trying, you will learn about what works best in different niches and on certain platforms.

Go make some incentive assets right now, so you can start leveling up your lead generation starting today. Once you get more leads, start building your anchor asset. See it as a process, and learn while doing it.

Learn more

If you are looking to learn more about this sales process and business in general, then I have an amazing option for you.

You can join the 10K club. In this FREE community, you can find the following things:

  • 8 course modules explain everything you need to know about business.
  • 3 free coaching calls per week
  • A community where you can ask questions
  • Elite membership to have access to way more (only $99/month)

Disclaimer: I don’t have an affiliate deal with the 10K Club; I am a moderator in the community who wants to share this awesome community and all the free value it brings.

Thank you for reading! If this post was valuable, feel free to share it with someone!

If you are interested in more content like this, make sure to follow the ‘Words from the 10K’ publication.

Someone reading my post ~ Generated with AI by the author

PS: I am writing a book about minimalism. If you are interested, you can join my waiting list to be the first to get notified and get some exclusive privileges. Join here. Or you can subscribe to my newsletter.

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