

The author shares their journey and strategies for gaining 50 followers per day on Medium by focusing on high-quality content, community engagement, and consistent effort.


The article titled "The Secret to Medium: How I Gain 50 Followers Per Day?😵‍💫" details the author's initial skepticism about Medium as a platform for earning money through writing, followed by a transformation in approach that led to significant growth in followers. The author emphasizes the importance of creating engaging and valuable content, being active within the Medium community, building relationships with other writers, promoting work across platforms, and maintaining patience and persistence. Key strategies include writing on topics of interest to the target audience, using multimedia to enhance articles, engaging with other writers' work, and leveraging relevant keywords for discoverability. The author also stresses the importance of respect and mutual support within the Medium community to foster a strong network and achieve goals.


  • The author initially doubted the legitimacy of earning through writing on Medium but was convinced after seeing other writers' success.
  • Earning a small amount from the first successful article significantly boosted the author's enthusiasm and commitment to the platform.
  • High-quality content that provides unique value to readers is seen as crucial for gaining traction on Medium.
  • Active participation in the Medium community, including reading, commenting, and engaging with other writers, is highly recommended for growth.
  • Building relationships with other writers through guest blogging, collaborations, and networking at meetups is considered essential.
  • Promoting articles through social media, relevant publications, and paid advertising is advised to reach a wider audience.
  • Patience and persistence are key, as success on Medium is not immediate and requires consistent effort and learning from mistakes.
  • Using relevant keywords and tags is suggested to improve the visibility of articles to interested readers.
  • The author believes that respect and support among community members are foundational for a thriving Medium presence.

The Secret to Medium: How I Gain 50 Followers Per Day?😵‍💫

Would you like to know my secret to gaining 50 followers per day on Medium?👁️

Join me and read on to learn how you can grow your following and reach your target audience.

💥Let’s get started!💥💯

On January 21st, I joined Medium.

I stumbled upon the platform by accident and initially thought it was just another “get rich quick” scheme. I didn’t believe that writing could be a legitimate way to earn money.💲

My first few articles didn’t gain any traction. As expected,

I didn’t earn anything. 🫨🥲

But then, I decided to change my approach. I started reading other Medium articles about writing and earning money on the platform.

Seeing other writers’ earnings motivated me. I realized that with hard work and dedication, success on Medium was possible. I shifted my focus to writing articles that would genuinely interest readers.

To my surprise, my first article earned 0.01 cents!

I was so excited that I ran to my partner and exclaimed,

“I earned 0.01 cents! It’s incredible!”😍🤩👏

From that moment on, I became even more passionate about Medium. I started investing more time into the platform, writing high-quality content, and engaging with the community.

Photo by Pixabay

Building a Following on Medium:

🔺A Step-by-Step Guide🔺

Building a successful Medium presence takes time and dedication, but it is achievable with consistent effort and a focus on quality content.

Here are some key strategies to help you gain followers and grow your audience:

1. Create high-quality, engaging content:

🔵Write about topics that your target audience will find interesting and valuable.

🔵Focus on providing value and insights that readers can’t find elsewhere.

🔵Use clear and concise language, and structure your articles for easy reading.

🔵Use images, videos, and other multimedia to enhance your content.

2. Be active on Medium:

🟧Read and comment on other Medium articles daily.

🟧Join relevant Medium communities and participate in discussions.

🟧Use the Medium Discover feature to find new articles to read.

🟧Engage with other writers and readers by following them, clapping for their articles, and leaving thoughtful comments. (Important)

3. Build relationships:

🟣Connect with other writers in your niche.

🟣Guest blog on other Medium publications.

🟣Attend online and offline meetups to connect with other Medium users.

🟣Collaborate with other writers on projects or articles.

4. Promote your work:

🟨Share your articles on social media and other platforms.

🟨Submit your articles to relevant publications and websites.

🟨Use paid advertising to promote your articles to a wider audience.

5. Be patient and persistent:

💠Don’t expect overnight success.

💠Be consistent with your content creation and community engagement.

💠Learn from your mistakes and keep improving your skills.

💠Stay focused on your goals and don’t give up.

Here are some additional tips:

🟫Use relevant keywords in your titles and tags: This will help your articles get found by people who are searching for those topics.

🟫Read other writers’ articles and leave thoughtful comments:

This is a great way to connect with other writers and build relationships.

By following these strategies and consistently creating high-quality content, you can build a strong following on Medium and achieve your goals.

The secret to success on Medium is to be an active and engaged member of the community. By supporting others and sharing your work, you can build a network of connections that will help you grow your audience and reach your goals.

Please stay for 30 seconds. 😍🙏

Let’s respect each other, say hello, and write about your goals and how many followers you want on Medium.

Respect is key to building a strong community.🙏

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