avatarA Shayens Abran


The seal that saved my life

Fiction poem

Image by Keith Luke via Unsplash

On a day of joy and play, By the seaside, bright no gray, A beach day, solely become a journeyman Just me with the blue ocean…

Into the water, I did wade, Splashing through the waves I made, Swaying, floating, pure delight, Underneath the shining sunlight

Then…from the depths it came, A seal, with eyes looked so tame It’s swimming around, Nudge my hand as if making a bond

But then…a fear replaced joy in its stare, A terror none could help but share, I gazed in awe…Its presence strange…?! In open ocean, a wondrous change…!

My heart grew heavy, filled with dread, As it disappeared, silence spread…! Suddenly, I feel a rubbing on my feet! Looking down the water, the seal towed me in secret…?!

I catched the warning! With a glance, the truth was revealed! A dorsal fin, danger concealed! A shark was lurking, unaware! A threat that called for great despair!

In a flash, I choked craving for a run! I flapped frantically, measuring the ocean’s span! Paddled in desperation to the waiting shore! Away from danger, forevermore!

I saw the shark swim to and fro! The seal guarded my body, been a shield like a pro! It risked its life, a noble friend, To save me from a tragic end…!

Beautiful seal, forever in my mind… Your act of valor, one of a kind I’ll cherish the memory that I won't ever forget The day you saved me, a debt I’ll never let....

This fictional poem is a heartfelt ode to a seal that showed a brave episode and to other sea creatures that are witnessed saving humans in danger. Those creatures, including dolphins and whales, can be innocently so wise, selfless, and true.

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