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The article emphasizes that becoming wealthy is not merely about earning a salary or saving money, but about solving significant problems in a scalable way that can benefit a large number of people, leading to unforeseen wealth and success.


The article "The Science Of Money School Refuses To Teach" addresses the common misconceptions about wealth and the path to becoming rich. It argues that traditional methods like working a job or saving money are insufficient for achieving significant wealth. Instead, it suggests that solving widespread problems, as exemplified by companies like Facebook, Amazon, and TikTok, is the key to accumulating vast fortunes. The piece underscores the importance of creating scalable solutions that are not limited by time or location, which can continue to generate income without constant personal attention. It also notes that many self-made billionaires did not initially set out to become wealthy but rather focused on addressing societal needs, which in turn led to their financial success and the associated rewards of influence, control, freedom, and respect.


  • The traditional 9-to-5 job is an ineffective way to accumulate wealth due to the direct exchange of time for money and the limitations of salary-based income.
  • Saving money is not a viable strategy for becoming a millionaire, especially when considering the numerous financial obligations and uncertainties of employment.
  • The pursuit of wealth should be reframed as a mission to solve significant problems that affect many people, which can lead to substantial financial rewards.
  • Scalability is crucial for wealth generation; solutions must be accessible globally or nationwide and should not be dependent on the creator's continuous involvement.
  • The rewards of creating a successful solution to a global problem extend beyond financial gain to include influence, control, freedom, and public respect.
  • The journey to extreme wealth is challenging and only a few individuals will succeed, requiring more than just patience, hard work, and dedication.
  • The article suggests that most billionaires did not anticipate their wealth and were driven more by problem-solving and innovation than by the pursuit of money.

The Science Of Money School Refuses To Teach

You’ve been making the same mistake over and over

Money is one thing everybody wants, that’s probably the reason you get yourself a job and maybe the reason you started a business. Most people began this journey of becoming wealthy several decades ago but they are not rich yet while some only needed a couple of years to get their names on everyone’s tongue pronounced as one of the richest men in the world. What did they do differently?

Photo by Steve Mushero on Unsplash

You begin to ask yourself, how then did they get so extremely rich? did they fraud their ways to the top or simply their fathers were rich. But records show that a large percentage of rich men are self-made billionaires.

As a matter of fact, you need to begin to understand that the path to becoming rich is a tedious one and only a few will succeed. It requires more than patience, hard work, and dedication to get to the finish line and I believe that before the end of the piece you would totally agree with me.

If you ask Jeff Bezos or Mark Zuckerberg if they had plans to become super-rich in life they would probably tell you NO. That’s because they don’t think it’s possible. The same for all other rich men out there. Being in possession of several billions of dollars is not an easy task.

The Science of Money

What do you believe money is all about? Why do some people think money is the root of all evil? Can you become rich if your parents were not? If your aim is to become super rich then you should know that your salary won’t get you anywhere near that. You have a lot of bills to settle, how about your dependent family? what if you are fired or your pay isn’t something to take home? Because I don’t see savings as a way of becoming a millionaire.


Time is a resource available freely for all humans, once lost it can never be recovered. It’s no surprise that the money you earn from your job depends largely on the amount of time you put into it. If you are paid $10 per hour and you work 80 hours a week then you would be making roughly $50,000 a year. Now how long will it take you to reach a million dollars if you miraculously save all your income?

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

You exchanged that huge amount of time for such an unworthy sum.

Stop chasing money, that equation is wrong and it’s been wrong since the beginning.

Put this at the back of your mind

Let’s take a look at the problems facebook solved, it brought a faster way of communication, enable virtual transactions between buyers and sellers, and brought a medium for people to express themselves to millions of others around the world. That’s the trick! If you are really passionate about getting wealthy then you have to solve problems.

Like Ali express, Microsoft, Amazon all did.

Which one would you like to talk about again is it Amazon that brought an end to the stress of buying goods and taking them home yourself, Tiktok freedom of expression.

Stop chasing money and start finding problems you can solve, the market will eventually recognize your solution and would be willing to pay billions for it.

Scalability can be a disturbing factor in your path to becoming successful, if your solution is time or location bound then your income shall be greatly reduced. You need to make sure that your solution is what everyone needs and is readily available for them at any time. That’s why Facebook, Tiktok, Youtube, Amazon are at the top of the game.

You may want to keep the following in mind.

Make sure your solution doesn’t take much of your time

It’s accessible globally or nationwide.

Does not require your attention all the time.

The Reward

Was it all about the money that you decided to offer a solution to a global problem? The answer is NO for most billionaires out there, the majority of them did not know they would one day become who they are. But what rewards have they received?

Photo by Hanna Zhyhar on Unsplash

The chance to become so influenced.

The ability to control.

The freedom wealth offers.

Not being worried about money ever again.

The feeling of being successful

The respect you receive around the world

The fame wealth offers.

I have to tell you again that the path to becoming so wealthy is a very tedious one and only a few will make it to the endpoint.

Wealth Creation
Business Strategy
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