avatarLibby Winkler


The Russians Are as Bad as We Remember

Underhanded tactics, deceit, and unadulterated lies abound in the Putin regime

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

As a child of the 1980s, I grew up fearing the Russians (yeah, it was called the USSR back then, but same same).

Every year in grade school we routinely had bomb drills. They are as dreadful as they sound. Everyone efficiently moves to the gymnasium in the basement, the largest space with solid reinforced walls with a hard backed book to protect our heads.

In my school, typically the beginning of the year, we knocked out our various safety drills, fire, tornado, and atomic bomb drills. Box checked.

The drills were terrifying but not neatly as much as the Russians, at least this is what we were taught.

Today’s Russia is represented by carpet bombings of villages, decimation of maternity hospitals, attacks on the most helpless citizens.

Today’s Russia is represented by censored state television, filled with propagandist images, Fox News clips.

Today’s Russia is led by an unstable despot with visions of a unified U.S.S.R. returning, regardless of the rule of law and results of a democratic election.

Yup. The Russia of our 1980s cold war era is back.

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