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The Rules of Engagement

“The greater dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding¹.” Justice Louis Brandeis.


There are several articles² already written on the “Progressive” subject. Besides the details given in those articles about the effect those changes have had on “the People,” it can also be said, in some ways, the proverb, “the more things change, the more they stay the same” can be said to apply this way —

The Bosses of the Senate (still today), the Corporations; Image, By Joseph Keppler (1889), At Wikimedia Commons

“For Woodrow Wilson, one of the government’s central challenges was how best to curb the threat of corporate consolidation (and power). Influenced by Louis Brandeis’s warnings about the “curse of bigness,” Wilson offered a progressive vision calling for the use of government power to break up monopolies, curb corporate power in politics, promote economic competition, and restore a vibrant economy where small businesses and workers could thrive.” Excerpt from the “New Freedom (1913)” Summary.


In his book, “Judicial Fortitude: The Last Chance to Reign In the Administrative State,” Peter Wallison concludes —

“The uncontrolled administrative state in place today is largely the result of the Judiciary’s failure to discharge its responsibilities under the checks and balances (rules of engagement) structure that the framers designed.”

Before Justice Louis Brandeis (1928), Woodrow Wilson, in 1912, had ridden to the presidency on a slogan/book that said, “The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People.” this… “New Freedom,” in short, was the birth of Progressivism, the Mein Kampf, the political new bible. Other co-creators like Theodore Roosevelt were full of ideas that put in place an ideology that abandoned the Constitution as the basis of operation. Radical changes occurred later with Franklin Roosevelt and “The New Deal.”


Theodore Roosevelt, another leader of the progressive movement, advocated specific changes to the Constitution to make it more majoritarian and responsive to public demands.

They missed that what gives the individual freedom, compatible with his capabilities and life in society, is contained in the operation of the market economy.

They focused on “Efficiency,” ignorant of the fact that efficiency is nothing if there is no value in the system. As scientific as the Progressives wanted to be, they plunged head-on into efficiency (time and motion studies were central, and the timer watch was their symbol). Information, knowledge, and understanding enable us to increase efficiency. It does NOT necessarily give us “Effectiveness.” The path to wisdom is having knowledge through understanding. This is because an ounce of effectiveness is worth infinite efficiency.

  • For example, in the ’60s, salt roads would rust cars and make them worthless for resale; it wasn’t unto the Japanese came out with cars that did not rust that American manufacturers changed the methods. The VALUE of Japanese cars went up, and people started buying their cars.
  • Effectiveness = efficiency * Value

The 4th Branch Civil Servants today “Thumb Their Nose” at Congress because there are “no rules of engagement” for them. That is not all of it.

Our “Government,” as “designed,” had all the elements necessary for and met the definition of a “System.” It was a “closed” system.

Today, it does not. And, it is an “open” thing”

It has become the sum of its parts.

As explained in detail in the post “Our Oligarchy.” Item “B. Without The Constitution,” meaning “Out of the Constitution,” we have the 4th Branch of Congress.

I maintain here that if our Forefather had wanted to include a 4th branch to the constitution, they would have made rules of engagement for them. Ask anybody in Congress.


The only conclusion that can be derived here is that the 4th branch is an appendage without connection. It is sort of like the rack one can add atop the car when needed. With or without the rack, the car will function. It is not normally needed; it is an addition (not an essential part) that reduces the car’s gas mileage.

That lack of mileage also shows up in our government. YouTube is full of clips from ardent followers of one Senator or another grilling a “Civil Servant” who acts very civil without answering any pointed questions because they know they are “untouchable.”


Why? Because the Constitution did NOT DESIGN such an entity. It is not essential, nor is it attached in any way to the car of government.

It can be clearly said — “Our government is today the sum of the parts.”

The Executive — “Has a phone and a pen;” the executive overreach that can implement Acts.

The Legislature — They are totally owned by “Special Interests” who spend billions in the elections for each and everyone they like.

The Judiciary — Have been infected with “ideology” more than the constitution and approve laws with wordings that touch on generalities.

The 4th Branch — is a government within “our” government. It contains ALL of the above within. We don’t vote for it, and they “regulate” our lives as they wish.

Proof of all of the above is our debt — it is a run-away freight train going downhill!


Hillsdale Bumper Sticker — Used with Permission



  1. Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438,479 (1928)
  2. America’s Political Chasm” (October 23, 2021); “The Progressive Rejection of the Constitution” (October 31, 2021); “Progressives Are Doing the Wrong Things Right” (November 5, 2021).
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