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The Roswell Incident — Part Six

Helping The Aliens

In the early summer of 1947, flying saucer mania swept the nation. Investigative reporter Marilyn Manns finds an alien spacecraft in the New Mexico desert. While searching for fellow reporter, Glenn Archer, she is abducted by the aliens.

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Standing face to face with the alien, Marilyn Manns saw that it looked exactly like Glenn Archer had described. It was over six feet tall with a slender body and limbs. She wondered if it had been there, invisible, all along; or, where had it come from?

“You will come,” it said.

She was certain the words had been sounds in her ears, not thoughts planted in her mind.

“Glenn, did you hear that?” she asked?


“You will come,” it repeated. A spindly hand with five fingers reached for her blouse. Gripping the material, it backed up, pulling her along.

Astonishingly, they simply passed through the wall as if it was smoke. On the other side, she was in an aisle like she had seen when she entered the flying saucer. From this side of the wall, she could see Glenn inside the milk bubble. They had been in a cage of sorts.

Once in the aisle, the alien began walking forward. Continuing to hold her by the fabric of her blouse, he pushed her backwards. She stumbled and shuffled, struggling to stay on her feet. After a dozen steps, they passed through a door — a real door into a small room. There were two pieces of furniture. A second alien sat in one and the first alien pushed Marilyn backwards until she sat in the second chair. She was facing the seated alien.

“Hello,” Marilyn said. “I’m delighted to meet you. My name is Marilyn Manns.”

“Where are the other two?”

Marilyn swallowed. “You mean, the two of your people who were in the crashed spacecraft?”

“Yes, where were they taken?”

“I believe they were taken to the Roswell Army Air Field.”

“Why were they moved?”

“Well, one was injured and I suppose the Army wanted to give him medical attention.” Marilyn hoped they weren’t running any science experiments on it. Then, she remembered the aliens had undressed her. She shuddered to think what they had done while she was helpless; thus, turnabout was fair play.

“One was injured. And the other?”

“I was told he was dead.” Marilyn answerd.

“You will get them back for us.”

“I don’t know if I can do that.”

“Do you know where this Roswell place is?”

“Yes.” Marilyn thought about the map in her purse. “It’s maybe two hours away.”

“How can time be a measure of distance?”

“I mean, it’s about a hundred miles and would take about two hours to drive there.”


“Travel in my car, my automobile. The vehicle which brought me here.”

“I see. Can you tell me how to get to this Roswell place?”

“I need my things. My purse which has maps in it.”

The alien said something in their alien tongue to the other and he left. From this brief exchange, she realized they didn’t communicate telepathically, as Glenn had suspected.

The alien returned with Marilyn’s boots, purse, and watch. She pulled a map out of the purse and spread it open on the floor.

“Here,” she pointed to the dot signifying Corona, “this is where you abducted my companion, Glenn Archer. The man you have in the, uh, cage.”

The alien spoke briefly and then a third alien entered the small room. He crouched on the floor beside Marilyn.

The seated alien said, “Say what you said again.”

Marilyn repeated and pointed to Corona. And then, she added, “And this is where we are now. Or, at least where I found you.” She decided to use a different word than “abducted”.

The new alien looked at her. “Yes.”

“And, this is the Roswell Army Air Field, where I believe your friends have been taken. Please understand, I don’t know this for a fact and it is likely that they have been moved somewhere else by now.”

“Yes,” the kneeling alien said. It manipulated a device in its hand, and then it spoke at length with the other two.

While they talked, Marilyn had the opportunity to observe them. She noticed that, when they spoke, they all exhibited slight movement in the area where one would expect to find a mouth. Additionally, she observed slight bumps on their faces where a nose and ears would be. She thought that their blue-green exterior was not their skin. Rather it was some sort of skin-tight clothing.

Marilyn looked at her watch. It read a quarter past four. If this was Thursday morning, maybe the two aliens were still there. If it was Thursday afternoon, then they were likely gone.

“Excuse me,” she said. “Is it still dark outside, or is the sun up? That is, is the sun visible?”

The alien on the floor answered, “It is still dark outside.”

“Well then, you should be in a hurry. The Roswell facility doesn’t have a hospital, so they are likely to transport your friend somewhere else soon.”

The three aliens continued to converse. Two of them left, leaving Marilyn alone with the seated one. Marilyn folded the map. She sat in the chair and took the opportunity to put on her boots.

“So,” Marilyn said, “are you from Mars or Venus?”

After a surprisingly long delay, the alien said. “Neither.”

“You are from a distant star?”


“There have been hundreds of sightings of your spaceships. How many ships do you have?”

“Not that many. While it is possible that one of your people might have seen our ship, it is not possible that we are responsible for hundreds of sightings.”

“I see. How long have you been here?”

“Half of one of your years.”

“Are you here because of the atomic bomb?”

Again, there was a long delay. “We are at your planet to see how you are progressing. We are at this specific location because of the atomic bomb.”

“Is this an invasion? What do you mean: seeing how we are progressing?”

“Invasion? We are no threat to you, if that is your meaning. We have known about your people for a long time, and we came to see how your advancement is progressing.”

“How advanced are we?” Marilyn asked.

“Not very advanced, but improving. We would wish that you would be less violent.”

“Are you going to meet with our leaders? Do you want me to help you get with the President?”

“No.” The alien stood. “It is time for you to show us where our two companions are located.”


The alien led Marilyn out the door and along the aisle. They came to the doorway she had used to enter the flying saucer. She watched the door open. The other two aliens joined them, and all four walked outside. They were no longer at the crash site.

“Where are we?” she asked.

“The Roswell Army Air Field as you stated.”

Marilyn had lost track of which one was which; all three looked identical. Only fifteen minutes had passed, and she had not felt any sensation of motion; however, she could see buildings in the distance. The speed of the flying saucer was indeed impressive.

“I’ve never been here before. I don’t know anything about this place. I was only telling you what someone else told me.”

“You know more than anyone else. You will find our companions. As you said, we must be in a hurry.”

Marilyn looked around. One building, set apart from the others, was brightly illuminated. “Let’s try that building first,” she said.

Suddenly, the three aliens vanished. Glenn had been correct when he said they could become invisible.

“Proceed,” a disembodied voice commanded.

As they got closer, she could see guards around the illuminated building. It was an airplane hangar. They had been walking over a grass field, but now they were on asphalt.

A voice close to her ear whispered, “Try not to attract their attention.”

She crouched low, and tried to walk without making a sound. The guards were standing under bright lights, and she reasoned they couldn’t see much outside the circle of light. Additionally, they were bored and possibly sleepy.

She felt a hand grip her elbow. “Stop, wait here.”

Marilyn watched, and a minute later the three guards on one side of the building collapsed to the ground. There were other guards, but for the moment they could not see their fallen comrades.

One of the aliens suddenly became visible and waved for Marilyn to approach. When she reached them, she knelt by one of the guards.

The voice near her ear whispered, “Do not fear for him. He is only asleep, like you had been. Now, how do we get inside?”

They were at the front of the hangar building and two of the guards had been beside the huge door for airplanes. The third guard had been stationed beside a normal sized door at the left corner of the building. Marilyn led the troupe to the door. It wasn’t locked and she opened it.

Inside, they found a row of folding tables containing a variety of items. Marilyn suspected this was debris from the crash site. To the far right were two areas walled off with canvas sheets. Marilyn led them to the nearest one. Inside, she saw a bundle on a table. It looked like a body wrapped in canvas, and it was packed under bags of ice.

“I believe that is your deceased friend,” Marilyn said.

She watched as invisible hands unwrapped the body to reveal a nude alien. The Army doctors had successfully removed the outer clothing to disclose what the aliens really looked like. Thankfully, the Army doctors had not begun an autopsy. It was gray, like the back of a dolphin, with smooth, hairless skin. Sure enough, it had a mouth, nose, and ears. It looked surprisingly human. However, she could see nothing which resembled genitals. Marilyn couldn’t tell if it was male of female. She wondered if the aliens had the equivalent of male and female.

They moved to the second enclosure. Here an alien lay on a bed. It was covered with a sheet and had a bandage on its head. One of the aliens became visible and examined it. Here the lighting was better and, when the sheet was pulled back, Marilyn observed a fold in its skin along its lower abdomen. From this, she guessed it was female.

“Is she still alive?” Marilyn asked.

“Yes, she will recover,” the alien said.

This was not an absolute confirmation that the alien was female, but it was good enough for Marilyn.

“Here,” Marilyn picked up a folded stretcher. “We can use this to carry her.”

With two stretchers, the four of them carried the injured and dead aliens, and the material from the crash site, to the flying saucer. The entire operation had taken twenty minutes, and they were back in the air.

THE END of Part Six, continue following Marilyn’s discovery in Part Seven, We’ll never speak of this again.

Copyright ©2023 by S. M. Revolinski All Rights Reserved

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Science Fiction
Ufos And Aliens
Roswell New Mexico
Serial Fiction
Government Conspiracies
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