avatarLibby Shively McAvoy


The Road To Enlightenment

What is it and can we reach it in this lifetime?

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The Journey

Enlightenment is a lifelong process and quest. Contrary to popular belief, it is attainable in this lifetime, but it is not a fixed state. Even after achieving mystical enlightenment, you will have ups and downs. You will be drawn back down into the 3D world because we are energetic beings. Is this to keep our ego in check? I do not know. No one has all the answers. We are all searching.

We are energy. Energy is fluent. Because it moves, it cannot be permanent. The good news is that with the tools of the eight limbs of yoga, we are equipped to deal with life’s stressors. So, we bounce back much faster with a much higher level of awareness. When we implement these ancient principles into our modern world with intention, it is as if we have a coat of “rain-ex” on our bodies. Life’s distractions and imperfections bead off and away like the rain on your windshield and we see with greater clarity.

There is little anxiety and suffering when we utilize the eight limbs of yoga.

Transitioning 3D to 5D

So when we discuss 3D to 5D worlds, the “D” stands for dimensions, and we tend to fluctuate between those dimensions. 3D people are unawakened to spiritual ascension. They are still living on autopilot. They are the ones dreading Mondays and living for the weekends. This is the majority of society, although we are in a time of great awakening and more people are realizing there is more to life.

What about 4D?

4D is the bridge to the fifth dimension. So, to transition to the fifth dimension, we must live a love-based life, letting go of fear and judgment. We must learn to forgive ourselves and others who have hurt us so that we have the freedom to move forward with grace. Once we are in the fifth dimension, we have clairvoyance. Our thoughts become our reality. We become the creators of our reality. We become Christ Consciousness.

The fifth dimension and enlightenment are one and the same. Ultimate bliss. Union. Oneness. Christ Consciousness.

Final Thoughts

I spend far more time in the 5D because once I tasted honey and paradise, why would I choose anything else? It makes me strive to be my best self each day. It is not about perfection. It is simply about waking up and trying to make the best choices I can each and every day. It doesn’t mean I do not get dragged down to the 3D world occasionally, it just means I rise back faster each time.

It is about being aware and conscious. It is about being awake, stepping off autopilot, and removing the masks and programming that no longer serves our greatest good. It is time to re-evaluate our beliefs and adopt beliefs that better serve us if the old ones are outdated and dysfunctional. It is about self-study. The eight limbs of yoga can lead us to enlightenment and ultimate bliss, but it is up to us to do the work. We must put those ancient principles into daily action to see results.

It takes a lot of practice. I made many mistakes along the way. But after seeing the difference between the mistakes and the rewards, I now know following the path truly works. It leads to bliss, contentment, and resilience. I am so grateful for all I have learned and look forward to continuing my journey. It is never-ending.

Thank you for taking your precious time to read, highlight and comment on this. I appreciate you greatly. Without a reader a writer is nothing. Part of Samadhi, enlightenment, is realizing my connectedness with all living beings and I certainly know you all make me a better writer by inspiring me everyday — thank you so much.

Peace & Light,


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Today I would like to highlight a couple of writers who not only inspire me, but I feel they go above and beyond as readers to be supportive. Thank you Diana Meresc and Jan Sebastian 🖐👩‍🦰 for always making me feel so supported. Diana makes great point’s in the story below on habit’s that create peace of mind and it is a great reminder even for those who are already aware. Jan’s humor keeps her articles light no matter what the topic is, she just has a magnetic spirit. In the article below she discusses some of Medium’s new developments that you may not be aware of. Thank you ladies for your inspiration, knowledge, and support!

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