avatarKimberlee Jakobe


The website content discusses the targeted attacks on LGBTQ children and the broader implications for other marginalized groups, calling for action against the perpetuation of hate and the protection of all children.


The article titled "The Republican Hit List" on the undefined website addresses the disturbing trend of targeting LGBTQ children, drawing parallels to historical atrocities committed against vulnerable groups. It emphasizes the danger of societal complacency and the role of legislators in either perpetuating or preventing harm. The author expresses deep concern and anger over the current political climate, where elected officials are actively participating in or silently condoning the bullying and marginalization of LGBTQ youth. The piece argues that this behavior is not reflective of divine law but rather a misguided attempt to project personal pain onto innocent children. It calls for the learning of good sense, the provision of safe environments for children to grow and learn, and the accountability of those who remain complicit through their inaction or hateful rhetoric. The author asserts that the hate being sown will eventually revisit the sower, affecting loved ones, and issues a stark warning against using religion to justify hate.


  • The author is deeply troubled by the attacks on LGBT

Is someone you love next on the GOP family-focused hitlist?

The Republican Hit List

Good sense cannot be legislated, but it can be learned

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

We’ve all heard the tales of ancient tribes murdering children, the atrocities of the Nazis against children, all the horrors that were done to Native American children; and wondered how did that happen?

The answer is simple —

It happened because too many people did nothing to stop it.

Right now, it’s LGBTQ kids — who is next? the kids with ADHD, kids with autism, kids with Down Syndrome? Kids with birth defects? Kids who stutter?

This isn’t outlandish. Look at how little it took to whip the masses into a frizzy against LGBTQ kids. What’s to stop them? Why would they stop at LGBTQ kids?

Photo by Monstera from Pexels

I am angry about the attacks on LGBTQ kids by bullies that we are paying to represent us around this country.

I’m so pissed I can’t even form words without feeling my maternal mama-bear spirit animal wanting to wrap my arms tighter around my children, wedging myself between them and the vicious bastards targeting our children.

I’d take it! I would fight it all if it meant one child wouldn't have to know what it feels like to be less because of NOTHING you did wrong or are in control of!

These aren’t God’s laws. That's a lie, a rancid justification to excuse your misplaced hurt at your own pain that you’ve justified to yourself that this is ok.

I’m sorry you were hurt. I’m sorry you still don’t feel like you’re good enough. But targeting LGBTQ kids is not how to fix your hurts. They don’t deserve your pain.

I believe in your right to be as ignorant and backwoods as you want to be! I’ll even fight for you because you won’t be able to defend yourself; it’s a natural consequence of ignorance. Sorry, not sorry, it’s facts.

However, I will not defend people wanting to hurt ANY children because you’re weak, lazy, and hate-filled. I will stand against you. I will stand in front of them. I will not allow your ignorance to breed more hate.


If you use the Bible to justify your behavior, you’re lying to yourself. The hate you breed today will come back on you, on someone you love, and you will have to live with yourself with that knowledge — if nothing else, you read it here. I am holding you accountable.

This is that one time, you’ll never be able to unhear that your bullying, your complacency, and the lies you tell yourself for not standing for someone that couldn’t stand for themselves, is the ultimate bullshit.

All of the children deserve a soft place to grow, protected space to learn, and trusted safe adults to model good, proper, and respectful behavior. That is the bare minimum. Pun intended! Our children deserve this — at the minimum.

Good sense cannot be legislated, but it can be learned.

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