The Real Reason Media Hates Louis Farrakhan
The white supremacists have wanted Farrakhan silenced for decades and yesterday was just another example

Fun fact about me, I am a Muslim. While I have always been a man of God, I converted to the Islamic faith in December of last year.
One of the biggest reasons why I subscribed to being a Muslim was because of the Nation of Islam.
The Nation of Islam represents the highest value of Black people in America.
You don’t believe me? Go look at what the Nation of Islam did to brothers like Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali.
So Savior’s Day was yesterday. It was the first one that I celebrated.
Savior’s Day is an annual event that pays homage and respect to Master Fard Muhammad, the founder of the Nation of Islam, on his birthday. He is the one who taught the Honorable Elijah Muhammad who then taught the likes of Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, and The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
This year’s Savior’s Day was a little bit more special because this was what The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan refers to as his “Swan Song” which means this was probably his last public message to Black people.
It was held in Chicago this year and I wished I would’ve been there because it was one of the most heartfelt, beautiful, and powerful events I saw on screen in my entire life.
While the program was being streamed on numerous platforms, the powers that be did everything they could to take down the live stream.
They took it down on YouTube, Facebook, Rumble, Twitter, etc. Every time the Nation of Islam brought the live stream back up, the white supremacists came right back to take it down.
Minister Farrakhan said nothing hateful, nothing racists, nothing that would incite violence — he did none of the sorts.
But just because The name “Louis Farrakhan” is brought up, they automatically assume that it was “dangerous.”
Here’s the thing — they’re right! He is dangerous. He’s dangerous because he and the Nation of Islam can turn “niggas” into “soldiers of God.”
If you’re looking for the future of the Black community, then you need to look no further than the Nation of Islam.
If you look at the Nation of Islam, what you will see is something that is very special and unique in that space.
You see Black men and Black women that are just super solid.
You see Black men that are well-dressed, highly articulate, very respectful to women, as brave as the day is long and extremely disciplined.
That’s why I love the Nation of Islam.
So to the white supremacists and FBI agents that read this article, if you want to know why Black people love the Nation of Islam is because they do things that y’all can’t teach us how to do. That’s why you are not allies of the Black community, you are the enemy.
Black people, let me tell you something: A person who blocks you from information, is not your friend!
There are no white “allies” from any white organization or the Democratic Party that I’ve seen take a Black man who just got out of jail after he’s been traumatized by yo’ damn prison system where you’re making money off of us and turn him into a fine upstanding citizen of the Black community.
They can’t take a Black person who’s suffered from a crack addiction turn them into soldiers of Allah (God).
There’s no white person out there that’s even trying to do that, not because they couldn’t figure it out, it’s because they don’t want to.
America could not have built itself off of solid Black people because Black people would have said, “You’re not going to exploit us; You’re not going to take my family; You’re not going to use my children to make y’all trillions of dollars and give us nothing in return.”
America built itself off the assumption that its Black people would be broken down enough, ignorant enough, backward enough, and hooked on drugs enough that you can play them like suckers every damn time.
Well, The Nation of Islam ain’t just woke, they’re like extra woke.
You can’t control these people no matter how many times you try.
Now you can exploit groups of people who are being brainwashed by rappers who tell you to get hooked on drugs, have 20 baby mamas, and shoot Black people every day.
You can exploit people who think that having your female performers run around twerking like hoodrats any and everywhere, promoting obesity, and act like they want to suck a white man’s dick — they don’t know who they are.
You can control those groups of people because they don’t know the power and value of a Black woman.
People like this are easily exploitable. You can always exploit people with low self-esteem.
Black people know what the Nation of Islam has done time and time again to produce powerful and sustainable Black men and women. They are a special breed.
That’s why you had guys like Birdman and Slim from Cash Money Records donate $20,000 yesterday during the program because they believe and see the work that The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam have done for our community.
So many people have donated thousands of dollars to them yesterday because we have to support and fund organizations we believe in. We can’t just talk, we have to act as well.
This is the type of stuff that the white supremacists try to keep you away from.
Jaron Mays. 2022. All Rights Reserved.
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