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The article discusses the potential pitfalls and benefits of contemplating "what if" scenarios, advocating for focusing on actionable questions that align with personal values and contribute to a fulfilling life.


The article "The Real Cost Of Contemplating ‘What If’ Scenarios" delves into the human tendency to ponder hypothetical situations, questioning whether such mental excursions are productive. It suggests that while "what ifs" can be tantalizing, they often lead to analysis paralysis and distract from the present. The author argues that instead of dwelling on unchangeable past decisions, individuals should focus on the present and ask themselves actionable questions that empower them to take control of their lives. The article emphasizes the importance of aligning choices with core values to lead a more fulfilling existence and encourages the consideration of practical questions that foster personal growth, human connection, and the creation of a meaningful legacy.


  • Contemplating "what if" scenarios can lead to unproductive analysis paralysis and distract from taking decisive actions in the present.
  • It is more beneficial to accept the immutability of the past and concentrate on what can be controlled today.
  • Fantasizing about unlikely events, such as winning the lottery, may provide temporary escape but can detract from the value of hard work and dedication.
  • Asking oneself practical, actionable questions is more empowering and contributes to shaping a purposeful future.
  • Understanding and aligning with one's core values is crucial for making decisions that lead to a fulfilling life.
  • Building meaningful relationships, learning from experiences, and considering the legacy one wishes to leave are highlighted as valuable focal points for personal development.

The Real Cost Of Contemplating ‘What If’ Scenarios

Are such questions really worth the mental energy we invest in them?

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich

There is little question that our minds enjoy wandering into the territory of “what if” questions — a place of endless possibilities! A place where usually tantalizing questions are always enticing us with alternate realities: what if I win the lottery? Or, what if reality is just a simulation? Or my one-time personal favorite, what if I could time travel?

However, the big question is, are these “what ifs” really worth the mental energy we invest in them? Do they serve any meaningful role toward a more fulfilling existence, or do they merely serve as distractions from the present?

Sure a question like, “What if I had pursued a different career path?” may initially spark introspection, but it can just as easily quickly lead to a sort of analysis paralysis.

“Or my one-time personal favorite, what if I could time travel?”

Constantly second-guessing your past choices does little more than prevent you from taking decisive actions in the present. It is much better to simply accept that the past is immutable and that we are better off focusing on what we can control today.

Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

“It is much better to simply accept that the past is immutable and that we are better off focusing on what we can control today.”

Fantasy v. Reality

Fantasies induced by questions like, “What if I won the lottery?” only offer you a temporary escape from the challenges of reality. Agreed, they may be harmless in moderation, but excessive indulgence in such questions will only disconnect you from the importance of things like, hard work, dedication, and the real-life journey towards your goals.

So, rather than lamenting past choices, focus on what you can do today to move closer to your goals. Ask yourself, “What actionable steps can I take right now?” A question like this is more worthwhile because it empowers you to take control of your present to shape your future.

Also worthwhile are questions causing contemplation of your core values because sorting that out reinforces your decision-making processes: if you know what truly matters to you can firmly align your choices with your values to lead a more fulfilling life.

Photo by Jonathan Cosens Photography on Unsplash

Replace the hypothetical with the practical

There are so many other questions you can ask to replace the hypothetical with the practical for a more fulfilling and impactful life like:

  • “How can I learn from my experiences and grow as a person?” Both your failures and successes hold valuable lessons.
  • "Who can I connect with?" Human connection is essential for building meaningful relationships and happiness.
  • "What legacy do I want to leave?" Bringing your long-term impact into focus helps guide your actions toward creating a meaningful and lasting mark on the world.

“What ifs” while intriguing and often fun to contemplate may only may only serve to lead us down rabbit holes of uncertainty and dissatisfaction. To live more purposeful and satisfying lives, we must shift our focus to questions that empower us and drive us forward. And we can only do that if we ask the right questions.

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