avatarRachael Cousins writes as Botanical Biohacker


Neurons Quantum Consciousness

The Quantum Mind: Where Science Meets Consciousness

Can Quantum Physics be the key to ‘being’?

Created by the author using Leonardo's Absolute Reality

Exploring Consciousness: The Essence of Being

I am a baby science geek. I am of an age where science was not really for girls and my Science teacher took a severe dislike to my curious and chatty nature and refused to teach me.

I was made to study Sewing and Home Economics. I was good at both and although I especially enjoyed transformation by thermodynamics, they were not that interesting to me.

Mr Williams, my Science teacher was an old-school style chap in an ill-fitting brown suit, combed over thin greasy grey hair and thick glasses that somewhat magnified his small cruel eyes.

In my earlier years of high school, when he was forced to teach me, I wrote an essay on ‘What makes me?’ My essay concluded that I was made up of 4 equal parts biology, chemistry, and physics combined into a being of consciousness. The question I then asked at 12 years old was ‘Therefore, what is Consciousness?’

That began the decline in our short teacher-pupil relationship. He told me to stop being disruptive and ask those questions in English lessons, or express them in art, maybe dance.

Mr Williams had no truck with my curiosity and very soon later, the science department was closed to me.

As an aside, I was also the top pupil in my school at metalwork and woodwork. But was unable to continue these after the first 2 years as they were not for girls. Sent again to sewing and cooking. I eventually stopped going. Square peg round hole.

Square peg round hole.

Consciousness, the awareness or subjective experience of ‘being,’ is still a phenomenon that has intrigued great thinkers, philosophers, scientists, and the spiritually minded throughout history. It encompasses a vast array of thoughts, emotions, feelings, perceptions, and self-awareness, forming the very fabric of our existence.

However, even though consciousness is ubiquitous, its origin continues to be a fascinating enigma.

At the heart of this enigma still lies the “hard problem of consciousness,” my youthful question I had asked to a disgruntled Mr Williams. ~ What I had not then known was I had asked one of the hardest questions in science. Mr Williams had likely thought I was mocking him, as he found me to be an unruly child.

But I still ponder this question.

Consciousness, the term coined by philosopher David Chalmers, delves into the perplexing question of how subjective experiences arise from the physical processes occurring in our brains.

Or how does the equation biology + chemistry + physics = consciousness.

And here is where quantum physics enters the stage, offering a potential key to unlocking this conundrum.

The notion of quantum consciousness suggests that consciousness emerges from quantum phenomena within the brain. Advocates of this concept argue that classical physics alone cannot fully elucidate the complexities of consciousness, necessitating the inclusion of quantum mechanics to provide a comprehensive understanding.

The potential intersection of quantum physics and consciousness has sparked debates and given rise to alternative frameworks for comprehending the captivating mechanics of the mind and the universe.

Although the precise nature of this relationship is still subject to intense scientific inquiry, several intriguing hypotheses have emerged.

Current Hypothesis

One such hypothesis is the Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR) theory proposed by physicist Sir Roger Penrose and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff.

This theory posits that consciousness arises from quantum processes occurring within microtubules, structures found in neurons. According to Orch-OR, the collapse of quantum superpositions within microtubules gives rise to consciousness.

Another theory suggests that the interplay between quantum coherence and neural synchronization is essential for the emergence of consciousness.

It proposes that as neural networks achieve a specific level of coherence, facilitated by quantum mechanisms, they generate conscious awareness. This hypothesis aims to bridge the gap between quantum and classical physics, offering a potential understanding of the deep connection between physics and consciousness.

The exploration of the correlation between quantum physics and consciousness carries profound implications for various disciplines, including neuroscience, psychology, and our fundamental understanding of reality itself.

By delving into the mysteries of consciousness, we have the potential to uncover profound revelations about the essence of our being and the very structure of the cosmos.

We can anticipate the emergence of thrilling discoveries and innovative hypotheses as the exploration continues. The fusion of quantum physics and consciousness has the power to redefine our understanding of the intricate relationship between mind and body.

It may also be a catalyst for remarkable advancements in fields such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and the exploration of altered states of consciousness.


Furthermore, there exists a scientific framework that provides an explanation for Manifestation.

This scientific framework is also rooted in the understanding of quantum mechanics. According to this framework, Manifestation occurs through the interaction of consciousness and energy at a quantum level.

In this paradigm, thoughts and intentions are seen as having the ability to influence the probabilistic nature of reality, collapsing the wave function into a particular outcome.

These ideas are supported by experiments such as the double-slit experiment, which demonstrates the fundamental role of observation in shaping physical phenomena. By harnessing our consciousness and aligning our thoughts with our desires, we can potentially manifest our intentions into tangible reality.

In summary, the complex interplay between quantum physics and consciousness offers a captivating path to explore, challenging our preconceived notions and pushing the boundaries of scientific investigation.

While numerous questions remain unanswered, the convergence of these curious realms holds vast potential to unravel the mysteries surrounding the mind and the cosmos.

As we venture into uncharted territories, the exploration of quantum physics and consciousness will undoubtedly shape the realms of science and philosophy for generations to come.

Is ‘being’ the last frontier?

If only I wished I had been able to write that in my essay for Mr. Williams!

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