avatarLady Jhershierra


The Pure of Heart are Always Protected.

Animal-man or Spiritual-man, we must choose.


The path of the animal-man is broad, and many follow this path. Animal-man is dominated by his emotions, uncontrolled desires, and mind chatter. The animal-man is forever seeking satisfaction in the outside world, predominantly from others. They walk around with big holes in their Consciousness which they seek to fill with pleasures and pacification.

The aminal-man mind is always doubting the spiritual path of trust through discipline and surrender. His mind chatter is always blaming, critical, and jealous.

The animal-man emotions are always needy, seeking someone else to fill the holes in their own Being. Of course, they seek an animal partner to appease their sexual needs and emotional neediness.

Animal-man needs validation, never trusting that his path is Divinely guided; he is always in a state of stress and dissatisfaction.

When the animal-man turns to the spiritual path, what is he seeking? Most of the time, it is to find an end to his suffering.

Walking the spiritual path, we will go through suffering because the outer skin of the animal-man must be shed. The animal does not let go easily, and so even while he walks the spiritual path, he suffers.

In the darkest parts of his spiritual path, he will feel abandoned by the Spiritual Light and doubt his mission’s worthiness. He will take one step forward and several steps backward.

Seeking refuge in the world of animal-man, he will drink, do drugs, seek sexual satisfaction or seek emotional pacification. Again animal-man is very needy because his heart and mind are not pure.

The purification of the human into a Spiritual Being is a long road that will take every step of our life to accomplish.

The ways of the animal world are seductive, and we cling to the outside world desperately fearing to let go of the known.

The animal-man fears the unknown.

Spirit Beings dwell in the Higher frequencies of Intelligent Consciousness. The higher realms will remain forever unknown to the animal-man.

The animal-man is looking for nuts and bolts, metal spaceships, and technology to prove that there is life in the universe. He will strap himself to a rocket to go out into space to find someone like himself.

All the while, the animal-man is blind to the Higher Spiritual Beings that dwell all around him, moving in and out of the densities of reality with ease. These Beings travel through Intelligent Conscious flows of eternal Light.

These Advanced Beings, Interdimensional or Extraterrestrials, dwell in a peaceful and pure frequency. The pure mind and heart can meet them in this space and experience union.

All are protected and supported in the union of a pure trusting mind and a pure brotherly/sisterly love devoid of animal-body lust and neediness. Men and women can share Spiritual love while living and working side by side.

We lose protection when our animal-man sinks deep into the world of limited form. He is cut off from or experiences a reduced flow of Spiritual Light. He grabs at the illusions of the mesmerizing Matrix world.

The Spiritual-man has done the hard work of turning inwards and relying solely upon the inner compass no matter what the outside world may be doing.

It takes many years of battles to follow the inner voice versus the outer voice. In these years of conflict, if our inner voice wins out, we find our protection strong and manage to move upward slowly. If the animal-man wins out, we sink into enslavement, beaten by the storms of our actions.

So goes this inner and outer battle for our entire life. We seek to master this battle before death and become a Spiritualized Being.

This is the GREAT RESURRECTION… the death of animal-man and the resurrection of Spiritual-man while still inhabiting the physical body.

When this great achievement happens, the heavens are opened to us, and all Higher Beings that dwell within our Divine Blueprint are revealed to us. We see we have never been alone but are, in fact, a member of a highly exalted Brotherhood of Divine Beings.

These Beings will never be known to the ‘nuts and bolts’ animal-men of the world.

Such is the path we must choose; such is the path few will follow as animal-man moves rapidly to his demise.

But in the end, animal-man must die one way or another so that a new Spiritual Being can be born.

Extraterrestrial Life
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