The Promptly Written Monthly Theme for December 2023
Let’s get inspired!

In just a few short weeks 2023 will be coming to a close and as most of you look back at your creativity for the year and whether you have met your goals and achieved your ambitions, I invite you instead to spend this time stretching those creative muscles to go out with a bang!
November was full to the brim of inspiring essays, insightful and informative articles, as well as poetry and fiction we happily lost ourselves in. We loved the responses you have been submitting from our own prompts as well as those you have found in and around the Medium-verse. Keep them coming!
Casey Lawrence and Bella Smith ⭐ will be continuing to draw your pens eagerly to the page with their weekly prompt inspiration but for December’s prompt theme questions, sparks and quotes, read on…
The theme for December is ‘success’
When we look back over our lives it’s often with the hope of seeing ourselves at having achieved something, making our mark or an impact in some small way. The idea of self-evaluation and of New Year’s resolutions are both wrapped up in striving for success, but what does that mean for you?
Are you chasing an idea of success that was handed down to you from parents, family members or teachers as a young person? Or have you seen the people around you reach goals and thought you’d like some of that for yourself?
One person’s successful life could feel like the worst kind of trap for another. The corner office and sharp suited world are far away from the simple homesteading life… which feels like success to you?
If there is no award, and no external mark, how do you know when you’ve reached success? Is a new goal added or the bench post moved every time you get close? By whom?
When did you draw your map to your goal, and is the world you now inhabit in alignment with that goal? For example, you may have dreamed of being a Nobel Prize winner but took a detour on your path through the land of parenthood? Is there a part of you that still wants to return to the path, or have you let that ambition go?
What does it mean to have to let dreams die or change?
Did you succeed at your dream only to realise that it wasn’t quite what it seemed?
How many of us dreamt of being paid writers but yet haven’t quite acknowledged that that is exactly what we are today?
Is where you are enough?
How To Use Monthly Themes
1. Write specific poems, fiction, essays, or articles related to the theme — try using the Writing Sparks.
2. Choose a Weekly prompt or select a Writing Spark, and center your piece around the theme.
3. Remember to tag your work appropriately (Poetry, Fiction, Essay, or Articles) and use ‘Monthly Theme’ if your work is centered around the theme.
Writing Sparks
1. What is the dream that fuels you?
2. How do you feel about what you have succeeded or failed at so far in your life?
3. If you could paint a picture of a successful life, what would it look like?
4. How has your pursuit of success shaped your path through life?
Bonus Prompt — Consider the following quotes:
‘Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value’ Albert Einstein
‘Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.’ Bill Gates
‘Survival was my only hope, success my only revenge.’ Patricia Cornwell
‘However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.’ Stephen Hawking.
Have a creative month, I can’t wait to see your responses!
Important Reminder
Write what comes to mind, don’t try to shape it or edit, let that first draft flow out of you like a stream of consciousness in direct response to wherever inspiration took you.
Only after that and perhaps a little time, should you reread and polish. We want to see your passion and excitement for your stories, and it’s what you write best.
Best Wishes & Have a great December!
If you are new to Promptly Written and would like to know how to get started, please read our submission guidelines below.