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The Problem with ‘Fake it Till You Make it’

Dropping the Act to Find Real Success

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I really need to get something off my chest about this bullshit idea of “Fake it till you make it.” Because this cutesy little slogan is fucking up your chance at real success and authenticity. Let’s put this tired phrase to bed and talk about why showing up as your messy, real self is a thousand times better.

What’s So Problematic?

Alright, let’s get this straight: Faking it is essentially lying. You’re lying to yourself, lying to others, and pretty much erecting a façade that will, sooner or later, come crashing down like a Jenga tower in a toddler’s hands.

So why do we still cling to this shoddy advice? Is it because it’s easy? Because it’s like the drive-thru fast food solution to success — quick but not nutritious?

Success Can’t Be Faked

You can’t build a skyscraper on a foundation of toothpicks. Similarly, your ambitions can’t grow on a bedrock of lies. Do you think Elon Musk got to where he is by being a fake-ass version of himself? I don’t think so. Dude risked his entire net worth to make Tesla and SpaceX a reality.

Now, I’m not saying to go liquidate your savings for your dream, but it’s the authentic, calculated risks that propel you forward — not some faux-confidence.

The Illusion of Competence

“Faking it” often creates a mirage of competence. People might believe you for a while, but guess what? When the shit hits the fan, and you’re expected to deliver, you’re gonna wish you hadn’t set yourself up for failure. The universe has a delightful way of revealing phonies. And trust me, it’s gonna be awkward.

The Authenticity Advantage

Now, let’s flip the script. Imagine showing up with genuine interest, admitting what you don’t know but are eager to learn, and offering your unique skills, even if they are a little unpolished.

Yeah, you might not get the gig or win the contract right away, but people will respect you. Why? Because you’re not a carbon copy of every other schmuck out there faking their way to the top. You’re unapologetically you.

And you know what? People can sniff out authenticity like a dog can sniff out a meatball sub hidden in a purse.

The Vulnerability Factor

Showing up as your real self makes you vulnerable, and goddamn, vulnerability is like catnip for human connection. Ever had a deep, 2 A.M. conversation where you felt like you could conquer the world afterward? That’s the power of vulnerability and authenticity. You can’t fake that shit.

Where To Go From Here?

Drop the act. Stop masquerading as someone you’re not. Dive into opportunities with the earnestness of a puppy chasing a ball, not the calculated detachment of a con artist sizing up their mark. Go balls to the wall with your imperfect, authentic self. That’s where the real magic happens.

So, say it with me: “I won’t fake it till I make it. I’ll be real till I seal the deal.” Because when you seal that deal as your true self, the rewards — emotional, spiritual, and yes, even financial — are far sweeter.

Self Improvement
Personal Development
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