The Power of Light and Shadow
Are shadows the enemy in photography?
Is shadow the enemy of light? In my opinion, the short answer is no.

Photographs need shadows created by light to help complete the rendering of an image. The two go hand-in-hand—however, different types of light and shadow depend on the photography genre.
Let’s look at photos where high-contrast shadows are the story’s hero. We need a vital light source that defines strong shadows to discern the details in shadows.
Strong shadows and light can create a robust sense of drama, like in these two images of the two bronze sculptures. These are examples of how lighting can drastically transform similar subjects by reversing the lighting and creating opposite shadows.
Image one, shooting into the light or backlighting, creates a high-contrast image creating a silhouette. It’s a perfect way of having light create a dynamic shadow over the subject.
In the second image, the angle of the specular light under the sculpture brings out the surface and texture. It also creates dynamic shadows over the subject.
Changing the lighting changed the picture; however, it still created strong shadows that work well in the storytelling of both photographs.
Window Light and Shadow

Intense window lighting can create some incredible dramatic shadows inside a room. This type of lighting emphasizes textures and shapes and adds interest and emphasis to your subjects.
Below are examples of light and shadow working well with different subjects.
Location Light and Shadow

Faces Light and Shadow

I recently learned that there is a branch of photography called Shadow Photography. I would have put it under Fine Art Photography, but shadow photography makes sense too.
For me, shadow photography’s beauty is the strong emphasis on textures, lines, and other geometrical shapes. To help bring these elements forward, I like to create monochromatic images, such as black and white or a tint of sepia.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you!