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The Power of Being Dependable

How reliable are you?

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Did you know many people possess a single attribute that can move them to the top of their game? This trait is in great demand by every organization. All you need to do is strengthen it. As you do so, it will help you earn respect in a way little else can. Let’s look at this personal attribute and how to maximize its use.

A crucial attribute everyone can strengthen

While everyone possesses some degree of this valuable attribute, many do not understand its importance. By working to make it rock solid, you separate yourself from the crowd, earning people’s respect and becoming more valuable than you can imagine.

A significant issue facing businesses today is finding people they can depend on. I have spoken with dozens of business owners over the last few years who say some variation of: “I offered them a job, told them when they could start, and never heard from them again!” or, “People don’t work like they used to. How can I find employees I can depend on to do their job?”

These same business owners also say some employees are so unreliable it frustrates them to no end. They often claim they would replace them, but finding someone willing to work is so difficult they put up with their poor work habits, hoping to find someone else to fill the position.

While these unreliable people are the exception, not the rule, there are still far too many in the workplace.

Being dependable means more than you think

“The greatest ability is dependability.” Bob Jones, Sr. (1883–1968)

When you understand the value employers and the people in your life place on dependability, you can begin appreciating the importance of fully developing this attribute.

What you achieve in life is proportional to how much people can count on you. This attribute touches every area of life, greatly influencing who you are, what you do, and what you accomplish.

The quickest way to understand why dependability is essential is to examine how you view someone who is not dependable. What do you think of such a person?

For many, it would mean they are unreliable, don’t care, rude, or not very serious. They can’t be counted on and have little respect for others. When we can’t rely on someone, we avoid them as a rule.

To others, the person who is not dependable is not trustworthy. They disrespect other people’s time and make a lousy employee. How could they be otherwise since they lack responsibility for themselves? It makes you wonder how many other issues they need to overcome.

Regardless of how harshly you judge such a person, they are usually not someone most of us want to work with or be around, excluding some family members.

Why be dependable?

For most employers, an employee who is not reliable won’t be around for long. A business has enough challenges to face, and adding unreliable people can harm it in many ways.

Being dependable is also essential to every relationship, especially those of a spouse or friend. If they are not someone you can rely on, the relationship will be strained and may end as a result. Why is this? Because dependability links directly to reliability and trustworthiness, which connect to honesty and loyalty. Who can trust an unreliable person?

The more dependable someone is, the more mature they are. A mature person accepts responsibility and acts responsibly, essential traits for anyone to maintain, especially as an adult.

Then, there are the many products and services you purchase. How dependable are they? Why pay your hard-earned money for something unreliable, especially if you depend on it?

What dependability can do for you

Think of the many benefits being dependable adds to life. If you want your marriage or a friendship to thrive, be dependable. This lets them know you care for and respect them.

Dependability is a cornerstone of every meaningful relationship. Unreliability dissolves the connection over time.

A world of opportunity opens when people know they can depend on you. Being dependable goes far beyond mere punctuality. For example, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can you be counted on to deliver outstanding results?
  • When asked to complete something, do you do so exceptionally well?
  • Are you reliable enough to be trusted by those you work and live with?
  • Do you have the full confidence and trust of your boss, coworkers, friends, and family?
  • When you accept a task or promise something, do you always follow up and follow through?

If you answered no to any of the above, you have found an area of opportunity to strengthen your dependability.

An employer values reliable employees because they tend to be responsible, trustworthy, steady, and loyal. These characteristics ensure they are well-regarded and respected. The same is true for your spouse or a friend.

There is no more important trait for an employee to develop when climbing the ladder of success than being dependable while maintaining a good attitude. If you want to sabotage your career, quit being dependable, and you’ll be looking for a job soon enough.

“Ability is important in our quest for success, but dependability is critical.” Zig Ziglar (1926–2012)

Most people are hired because of their abilities and potential. They keep their jobs over the long run because of their dependability. These employees will be relied on, trusted, and respected, giving them job security and more opportunities for career advancement. Likewise, they will be far happier, make better friends, and keep them longer.

“I learned that, ‘Mike, you get your first job on your ability and every job after that on your dependability.’” Mike Royer (1941-present)

The easiest way to begin establishing dependability is to always be on time. Punctuality shows others you respect who they are and their time. You will often see two types of people in the world. Some are always early, and others are sometimes late. Which of these shows more respect?

“Punctuality is closely related to faithfulness and dependability. Being tardy can be linked to uninterest, apathy, slothfulness and procrastination.” Sterling W. Sill (1903–1994)

If you are not dependable, why not? Is it because you don’t care, do not respect some people, or simply can’t see how it affects other’s opinions of you? If you are any of these, you must reconsider what it means to be dependable.

Dependable and undependable people speak volumes through their actions. They almost always deliver what they say they will.

When you take dependability seriously, others will take you seriously.

Final thoughts

How dependable are you, not just in the big things but in the little, everyday things in life? Whether you realize it or not, people watch what you do to see who you are, much of which depends on how reliable you are or are not.

If you need to work on your dependability, I challenge you to do one thing. Develop the intent to show respect to others through your actions by becoming dependable. When you do this, you can bet your life will improve. Be a person of integrity. Be dependable. Always!

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Bill Abbate Leadership Writer and Editor in ILLUMINATION

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