

The Perfect Example of Narcissistic Minimization

and all it took was getting stood up only to be sexually assaulted

Image by Rosy / Bad Homburg / Germany from Pixabay

Daniel asked me on a date, then stood me up.

He rang my buzzer two hours later, to “check if I was okay”. We went to his to talk, where I called Daniel out for setting me up.

Without no words, in the middle of me speaking, Daniel stood up and shoved both hands down my sweatpants — forcing them down. I grabbed him to stop him, before pushing him off.

His response:

“So we can’t have sex?”

(We’d never been intimate in any way.)

My answer:


Daniel made this whiney noise before sitting down. I left, shocked that in the middle of venting, he made aggressive (non-consensual) sexual advances.

He stood me up purposefully ignoring what I had to say about it, to assault me — before asking for sex. My autonomy and feelings meant nothing to him. I ended that connection.

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