avatarSuresh Sangwan Saru


The Path to Abundance and Peace

The Path to Inner Fulfillment: Embracing Moderation and Divine Wisdom

Photo by Iswanto Arif on Unsplash

When we deeply examine the root cause of all human suffering, it often leads us to one word: “desire.” Desire, in this context, refers to the relentless pursuit of accumulating wealth and possessions for oneself and loved ones. It’s pure folly, yet many people perceive it as wisdom and success.

Think of the great epic, the Mahabharata, where the warrior Arjuna faced a pivotal choice. He had to decide whether to choose Lord Sri Krishna or Krishna’s vast army for his aid.

Arjuna opted for only Lord Krishna’s guidance and shelter. The essence of this story lies in the idea that when we attain the Divine, our endless desires may find resolution. Otherwise, these desires become the cause of our constant restlessness.

Imagine that when the sun rises, all the stars fade away. Similarly, when we attain the Divine, our desires and worries gradually disappear away on their own.

This is because the Supreme Being holds the treasures of all accomplishments and wealth. The Divine knows perfectly well who deserves what and in what quantity. Hence, practicing restraint is beneficial.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Everybody eats a certain amount of food, and we all have a finite number of garments we can wear. Nevertheless, we frequently forget that the universe offers an abundance so that every living thing can have what it needs in our drive for more and more.

Therefore, hoarding beyond necessity is akin to serving one’s self-interest over others’ well-being. Remember that accumulating unnecessarily can lead to many negative qualities and habits, ultimately diverting a person from their true life path.

So, the guiding principle here is moderation. Avoiding excessive accumulation and living within reasonable bounds aligns us with the universe’s abundance and keeps us from wandering off our path in life.

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