avatarSabrina Mailhot


The Path


The serene tranquilly of the forest was remarkable. Had it not been for the gentle rustle of the leaves swaying in the wind, I would have been convinced that the forest was trapped in an eternal state of immortality, suspended in time.

For a duration of two days, I traversed the course of the noiseless river, under the belief that I was engaging in circular movement. I neglected to mark the trees along my route. There was no alternative method to ascertain the validity of my speculations. There were no visible insects, animals, or humans present. I was completely isolated, left solely with my own contemplation.

I pondered how I originally found myself in such a situation. My foggy memory gradually started to remember. An individual, moving smoothly and silently, left a book on the reception counter of the library where I was employed. Strangely, the individual vanished when I turned my attention away from the book. I deeply regret my imprudent act of grabbing and surreptitiously examining the cursed artifact. I was irresistibly captivated by the spinning pages, which seemed to engulf my entire being, pulling me into the narrative. Unbeknownst to me, I found myself ensnared within the confines of the book’s pages. Lacking guidance on the appropriate course of action to conclude this arduous journey.

The density of the tree branches obstructed my view of the sunlight. As I ventured further into the forest, I distinctly heard a sound borne by the gentle breeze that seemed to call my name, causing me to lose control of my own movements.

I found myself on a paved road that traversed the woodland. A silhouette stood with its arms outstretched. I noticed that I carried the book. A little prod in my thoracic cavity sent my legs in motion.

Upon crossing the road, I was greeted by death. The route served as a gateway concealing the realm beyond, and the book acted as my ticket to eternity.

Short Story
Death And Dying
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